Paul spoke about the Law of Death that was introduced
to Adam and the Laws given to Moses, but if you don't know which one
he is referring to, the references in the seventh chapter will
certainly confuse you. Paul described our relationship to the Law of
Death and the Torah, and in describing our freedom from death, he
used the illustration of a married woman. As long as the husband is
alive, the wife is bound to him, but when the husband dies, the
woman is free to marry someone else. Jesus paid for the sins of
mankind on the cross and made it possible for humanity to be set
free from the Law of Death. That doesn't mean the Law of Moses is
set aside because it also creates an awareness of sin and it is the
schoolmaster which brings us to Christ. Paul also spoke about the
battle that takes place in each person. Everyone has to deal with
sin; it is a daily struggle that must be overcome by the born again
spirit because the soul and physical body only want to indulge their
selfish desires. The law is good but we don't keep it to be saved.
We need to walk in the power of the Holy Spirit. That is the only
way to be set free from this struggle. |