Many Christians live in fear because they feel that
they fall short of God's standard. There is no condemnation to those
who are saved because the Law of Death does not apply anymore. Yet
even after salvation, it is still impossible for us to produce
righteousness. Jesus fulfilled the demands set by the Law of Moses
and we are clothed in His righteousness. However, every unsaved
person is at war with God because their mind refuses to conform to
the Mosaic law and it is impossible to do so without being born
again. The good news is that the same resurrection power
that surged through the body of Jesus and raised Him from the dead
is still available today! No matter the sickness or disease, you can
receive any type of healing. You don't have to be sick or feeble
because Jesus paid for it with the stripes inflicted on His body.
Good health is part of the salvation package. There is no place in
the Bible where it states you must be sick in order to die. Prayer
is the key to heaven, but faith unlocks the door. It's not so
important how you begin your life after salvation, but how you
finish it! |