A lot of Christians operate in fear even though that
shouldn't be the case. The spirit of fear is connected to the Law of
Death and it immediately began plaguing humanity after Adam and Eve
sinned. With salvation, we have been adopted into to the family of
God and set free from the Law of Death; as a result, we are simply
waiting to be delivered from this body of death and to be with Jesus
in our newly resurrected bodies. We can't see into the future, so we
don't always know what to pray for. The good news is that the Holy
Spirit is there to help and actually pray through us so that we
don't pray incorrectly. You can be sure that no matter what happens,
God will turn it around and make something good out of it. You and I
are not here by accident. We were carefully designed by God and He
has selected the time period in which you will exist, the
geographical location where you will operate and even your parents.
He knows every choice you will make on earth and yearns for a
relationship because He knows everything about you and loves you
unconditionally. |