There is nothing that can separate a believer in
Christ from God because salvation includes an ironclad promise that
no one will ever be able to isolate you from the Lord. While someone
can torment and kill your physical body, the soul and spirit are
forever secure. So why does the Bible also say that you can lose
your salvation? Anyone who takes the Mark of the Beast faces an
eternity in the Lake of Fire. Removing words from the Bible will
also result in loss of salvation. These two references in the Book
of Revelation do not conflict with what Paul wrote to the Romans
when he said that there is no external force that can cause your
name to be blotted out from the Book of Life. Jesus was slain before
the foundation of the world, meaning that everyone has their name
written in the Book of Life at the moment they are born, but if you
die without Christ, your name will be removed. Everyone in the Lake
of Fire will be there because they made a personal choice that
caused them to forfeit eternal life. |