The apostle Paul was grieved that the people of
Israel had rejected Jesus as the Messiah and this led to an
interesting question. Who are the real Israelites? Paul wasn't just
talking about the blood descendants. Being able to trace your
lineage from Abraham doesn't automatically make you a child of God
in the New Testament. Rahab the harlot, Ruth the Moabite and Uriah
the Hittite were three prominent Gentiles that were grafted into the
First Covenant and received the same promise as the Israelites of a
Messiah that would one day redeem them from their sins. Ruth was
even included in the lineage of Jesus. Then there is the strange
case of the Khazar Empire, in which an entire Gentile nation
embraced Judaism in 700 A.D. and became known as the 13th tribe.
However, the First Covenant ceased to exist at the moment Jesus died
on the cross and Judaism is just a failed religious system that has
been rejected by God and brings it adherents to hell. So where does
that leave us? According to the Bible, there are many who say they
are Jews and are not, but are in fact the synagogue of Satan. It
comes down to one thing. You must be born again! |