The Roman Road begins with an acknowledgment of sin,
that Jesus died for us when we were unlovable and culminates with an
appeal to accept the eternal life obtained through Jesus’ death on
the cross. Think about it. No one can be born again without
realizing the need for salvation. If someone knows they are in
trouble, they will readily accept help. The problem is that most
people don’t think about life after death and the predicament of
dying without Christ. Knowledge of this truth creates a need for
salvation since no one in their right mind wants to go to hell.
Even under the First Covenant, righteousness was
attained by faith and had nothing to do with good works; the only
one way to become righteous is to have that born again experience
Jesus referred to in His conversation with Nicodemus. But how can
you be saved if no one tells you about this important news? It goes
without saying that someone always needs share the Gospel. Someone
led you to the Lord and it is your responsibility to pass this
timeless message on as well. This is the greatest work that a
Christian can do on earth!