Christians should treat one another with love and
respect. The church in Rome consisted of former pagans that held to
a vegetarian diet. This caused much strife within the church and
Paul stated that meat eaters should not disdain the vegetarians as
weak in the faith, but accept them as equal brothers and sisters in
the Lord. The Pharisees followed the Talmud and taught the people it
was sinful to eat without washing their hands. Jesus refuted their
claim by stating that the words you choose to speak are what defile
you because they originate from your soul. The Pharisees falsely
believed they could lie, cheat and steal, as long as they kept their
Talmudic rituals. Paul said the animal kingdom is not sinful, but if
you believe otherwise, then it is indeed sinful. Your personal faith
should be just that -- personal. Jesus made it clear that before you
try to remove a speck from another man's eye, remove the log from
your eye first. Live your life according to what the Bible teaches
and don't impose your rules and regulations on other Christians. The
flip side is that you should also not compromise God's Word in order
to please other people. |