Amos did not bring the upbeat message of today's
prosperity preachers; instead, he spoke out forcefully against sin
and cried for people to repent. God was grieving over the fact that
the virgin Israel did not exist anymore. The people had embraced
idolatry, judges were corrupt, the poor were oppressed, sexual
immorality was rampant, drunkenness was the norm and the Kabbalah
was spreading far and wide. The laws of God had been swept aside and
Amos declared it was judgment time! God told the people of Israel it
was futile to trust in military power because He would allow them to
be conquered. The people were warned that many would be killed and
the rest brought to other nations as captives if they did not
repent. There were two future warnings that have not yet been
fulfilled. A famine for the Word of God and a promise that will God
would bring back a remnant of Israelites to the land. Amos warned
they would suffer death and destruction if they continued to live
sinfully. The condition in Israel was no different than today, and
if the Lord harshly judged the northern kingdom, then the message of
Amos should be taken seriously since God is not a respecter of
persons. |