God ordered Hosea to marry a promiscuous woman in
order for him to understand the tenuous relationship God had with
the people of Israel, who had turned into a whore by going after
other gods. Gomer provided Hosea with three children, which were all
named with a specific purpose of pronouncing judgment upon Israel.
Hosea stated that the people were destroyed for lack of knowledge
and because they were deeply into witchcraft and divination. Instead
of showing mercy to the poor, the downtrodden were exploited. The
priests had become a hardened gang of criminals, using their office
to steal from people. The people set up kings without consulting the
Lord, and worst of all, they embraced the damnable teaching and
rituals of the Kabbalah. God provided Hosea with short glimpses into
the future, the 1,000 years kingdom, and how the tribes of Israel
would be wanderers among the nations. The Lord let the sins of the
northern kingdom accumulate for 195 years and Hosea was one of the
prophets during this time period. In the end, the people did not
respond to the message of repentance and received their just reward. |