The Assyrian empire was at its peak when Sennacherib
decided to attack King Hezekiah and destroy what remained of Israel.
Hezekiah was walking with the Lord but he was still not sure that
God would save them and he offered Sennacherib tribute in a failed
attempt to avoid war. Finally, in desperation, he asked Isaiah to
intercede after General Rabshakeh laid siege to Jerusalem. This
crafty man filled the Israelites with fear when he told them that
the Lord had commissioned the Assyrians to destroy Jerusalem. Yet
prayer is a game changer as Hezekiah went to the Lord and God
responded to his faith. The Lord sent an angel and 165,000 soldiers
were slain in a single night and Sennacherib was robbed of victory.
It has been said that prayer is the key to heaven but faith unlocks
the door. Hezekiah sought the Lord and watched as God defended
Jerusalem. What did the Devil do for Sennacherib? He returned to
Nineveh and was assassinated in the temple of his false god. What’s
the lesson to be learned? There is no crisis in heaven; God has a
solution to every problem, and if we are willing to trust the Lord,
He will certainly take care of us! |