Elijah was activated by God to counteract the
lawlessness of King Ahab and his evil queen, Jezebel, who had set up
places of worship across Israel where people could go a whoring
after Baal. God had told Moses that He would withhold rain if the
Israelites ever embraced idolatry and Elijah fled into the
wilderness after reminding Ahab that he was under this curse. Now,
Elijah didn’t live a life of luxury, but God always provided him
with food and shelter, and it was his faith in God that spawned
supernatural events for him and the people around him. He never
built a mega church but Elijah did bring the Israelites back to God
with an awesome display of power on Mount Carmel. The fire from
heaven not only burnt the offering and wood, but it also consumed
the stones of the altar and the water in the trench. Highlights of
Elijah’s life were recorded by other men to provide historical facts
of the nation of Israel before it was conquered by the Assyrians. He
was for the most part fearless and the way he lived was a testimony
of what happens when a man gives himself wholly unto the Lord. |