God is working on the earth according to a plan
devised long before the creation took place and He has a specific
objective for every human being that fits with His master plan.
Human beings have lived on the earth for thousands of years but many
are stumped when it comes to their purpose. What is the meaning of
life? It's a simple yet important question that puzzles many people,
including Christians. As far as God is concerned, it is to be the
praise of His glory. When it comes to building things, mankind
constructs things based upon what is needed at the moment, but God
builds for eternity. God doesn't care whether you are young or old;
He is more interested in your character quotient and ability to obey
His commands. You are a living stone that God is using to build a
spiritual house on earth. Every stone has imperfections that must be
dealt with before it can be put to use. This involves being cut,
chiseled and polished over a lifetime until you fit perfectly in the
spot He has for you. Understanding this truth allows you to fulfill
the primary purpose of loving God with every fiber of your being and
becoming the praise of His glory. |