Insurance is an arrangement by which a company or
government agency provides a guarantee of compensation for specified
loss, damage, illness, or death in return for payment of a premium.
In other words, it is something that provides protection against a
possible eventuality. God on the other hand has an assurance program
that is pre-paid and costs you nothing. It is made possible by
Jesus' death on the cross. Unlike insurance, there are no limits as
to how many claims you can file, nor is there any dollar cap on each
claim. It truly is a unique plan with extraordinary benefits.
The only prerequisite to enrolling is to make Jesus your Lord and
Savior. You are also granted membership to a group that is
collectively known as "the church." Now, God's assurance program has
benefits and obligations just like insurance policies but most
Christians don't take the obligations seriously. This can lead to
lead to sickness, loss of income and other negative events.
Christians who fail to take this warning seriously simply don't
understand the cost of disobedience. Heaven is going to be nice, but
you also want to make sure that you can utilize your salvation
benefits on earth by living according to God's commandments. |