What does the Bible teach about angels in regards to
humanity? There is no angel narrative like the creation account of
Adam and Eve; instead, we find that God progressively revealed truth
about the angels and the civilization that predated mankind to Job,
Isaiah, Ezekiel, Daniel, and even Jesus provided information. The Scriptures reveal that God created the angels
with a free will, which meant there was a chance they would rebel,
and this is exactly what happened when Lucifer attempted to dethrone
his Creator. This beautiful cherub who once lead the worship in
heaven was sentenced the Lake of Fire and the remaining holy angels
were filled with doubt when Lucifer questioned the righteousness of
God. After all, how could a righteous and loving God
sentence His creation to eternal torment? This is the sole reason
for humanity coming into existence. Adam was not created because God
was lonely, but to show that when a created being sins, it is his
own fault and the blame cannot be laid at God’s feet. Only by
knowing the Scriptures can you stay within the spiritual parameters
stipulated by God and effectively conduct spiritual warfare against
the Devil and his minions. |