There is an ongoing conflict between God and the
Devil and all of humanity is involved whether we like it or not. God
is actively working to show His righteousness and Satan is doing
what he can to sabotage the works of God. The Lord is using His
people to destroy the kingdom of Satan and the latter is using his
people to cause destruction in the kingdom of God. No one is neutral
in this proxy war. Every human is involved but we don't have any
spiritual power since we are a spirit in a physical body. To offset
this limitation, God baptizes His people in the Holy Spirit. Jesus
has provided spiritual authority to His followers which can be used
against the Kingdom of Satan. While this authority is available to
all of humanity, it is limited to believers in Christ and will only
work if you follow the instructions laid out by Jesus in the New
Testament. The earth is a hostile environment but you can thrive
during your time here. If you don't know a whole lot about the
spirit world, spiritual warfare and how to combat sickness,
depression, possession by evil spirits, etc., then this is a message
you will want to hear. |