Jesus cast out evil spirits from people in
conjunction with their profession of faith. Deliverance was intended
to be for people who had come to the saving knowledge of Christ. So
why are so few pastors speaking about this? The baptism of the Holy
Spirit, healing and deliverance from demons is available to all
believers in Christ, but, and this is a big point, you must ask for
it. The majority of Christians are able to function to a certain
degree but they aren’t really living a victorious life. Christians
are often just as depressed as unbelievers, sickness is rampant, and
sexual problems like pornography, adultery and fornication ensnare
many. Many are bound by alcohol and drugs and it is obvious that
something is very wrong with the church. Jesus came to set the
captives free and provide an abundant life to those who make Him
their Lord and Savior. God has the solution to every problem in your
life but you must also believe that He can set you free from what is
ailing you. It was Jesus’ intention that casting out demons was to
be a regular activity of the New Testament church. You can be set
free. The choice is yours to make. |