Most Christians simply view the Old Testament as
ancient history that has no bearing on the world today. Yet sin is
still the same; the only difference is the level of technology 2,500
years later. The twelve tribes of Israel were chosen by God to be a
holy nation, set apart and free from idolatry. God loved the
Israelites but He was not sentimental about their rebellion and how
they reveled in sin. God is not mocked, and as a result, His love
turned to wrath and He judged them harshly. It was because of love that God the Father sent Jesus
to die on the cross 2,000 years ago and pay for our sins. God won't
treat believers in Christ any different than He did with the
Israelites of the past. Repentance is the only way to stop God's
judgments. The idols at the time of Jeremiah were made from rocks
and carved wood. Idol worship today however takes place around
alcohol establishments, whorehouses, internet pornography, gambling
casinos, etc. Evil spirits blind people spiritually and humanity is
perishing as a result. It is crucial to preach repentance and rescue
those around you from an eternity in the Lake of Fire. |