Jesus is the creator of the universe and God the Son
was the one who spoke to Adam, Abraham and Moses. Simply put, Jesus
is the God of the Old Testament and He was amazed that the people of
Judah were not ashamed of their sins. Jesus revealed His emotions
regarding the people of Judah and how they were hypocrites. He could
not understand why they were not ashamed of their sinful actions,
and in His prophecies to Jeremiah, Jesus let it be known that He was
going to take pleasure in punishing the people of Judah for their
refusal to confess their shameful deeds. In fact, Jesus was going to
act on His emotions and destroy them. Jeremiah expressed his grief and did not take
pleasure in the looming judgment. The prophet was so disgusted with
the sins of his people that he wanted to move away and not see them
anymore. Jesus promised to avenge Himself on Judah because of their
deception, lies and continued rebellion. He sarcastically told the
people to hire professional mourners and women who were skilled in
healing for those who would be hurt and killed when the Babylonians
arrived. Judgment was coming but the people of Judah did not care. |