God has a television network depicting events on
earth to the angels throughout the universe since the beginning of
humanity. Adam was innocent and naïve and thought that he only
existed to take care of the Garden of Eden that was created just for
him. He knew nothing about the angels, the war that had taken place
in heaven, and he certainly had no clue the Devil was running loose
on the earth. It would be safe to say that Adam viewed himself as a
gardener whose sole job was to take care of this beautiful place
that Jesus had created and to spend time with Eve. He did not gain
an understanding of evil until he ate from the Tree of Knowledge of
Good and Evil. Eve was targeted by Satan because she was weaker yet
she was the only one deceived by the Devil. Adam committed the
greater sin because he did not want to be separated from his wife.
Choosing to sin was a calculated move, and in doing so, Adam turned
his back on Jesus. This is the moment mankind lost its sinless
perfection and laid the foundation for the sinful nature with its
perpetual corruption. Jesus lost all respect for Adam and there is
no record of them ever fellowshipping again even though Adam lived
for 930 years. |