Cain and Abel were taught by Adam about the need to
bring sacrifices before the Lord. This was part of the redemption
plan for mankind and Lucifer decided to contaminate the purity of
humanity in an effort to force God to include the fallen angels as
well. This is why Genesis chapter six says that fallen angels
procreated with human women to create a hybrid race with no soul.
Moses, Peter and Jude were all aware of this account and each of
them quoted from the First Book of Enoch. So who was this man whose
writings are not included in the Old Testament? Enoch was the fifth
generation after Seth and he was selected by God to write an account
of life before the flood because of his love and faithfulness to the
Lord. In fact, many of Jesus' statements in the New Testament are
derived from the First Book of Enoch. The time period from the fall
of Adam and Eve until Noah's flood was 1,676 years. This is a
considerable amount of time for the human race and yet most people
are ignorant about this turbulent era. This is significant because
Jesus told us that life in the end times would revert back to the
way it was in the days of Noah when evil reigned on the earth. |