The successor to Moses was a man from the tribe of
Ephraim named Joshua and his training began soon after the
Israelites left Egypt. He was among the men instructed by Moses in
warfare and chosen to be the commander against the first attack by
the Amalekites.
Moses continued utilizing Joshua as a military and political leader.
But the sin nature revealed itself after being elevated to this
position of power and Joshua proved he was just like any other man
when he asked Moses to rebuke two men who were prophesying without
permission. Presumably he saw them as competition and was rebuked
for this attitude. Joshua was later one of the princes selected to
spy out the land of Canaan. Only he and Caleb were not intimidated
by the giants and believed God that could give them the Promised
When the forty years of wandering in the wilderness were almost
over, God told Moses to have Joshua anointed and to take his place
to lead the Israelites. Joshua had been thoroughly vetted by this
time, and according to Moses, "was full of the spirit of wisdom."
God never elevates a rookie to a leadership position and Joshua was
finally ready to lead the Israelites. |