Did you know that December 25th is not the birthday
of Jesus? Rather, it was a day picked by Roman Catholicism to
appease their pagan converts and this is why every Christmas
tradition is rooted in the worship of demon gods. The vast majority
of Christians are happily preparing their churches and homes for
another season of spiritual adultery with dressed up pagan
festivities, all while misguidedly claiming that Jesus is the reason
for the season. The early church never celebrated the incarnation of
Jesus because our Savior never instructed them to do so. Think about
that for a moment. If Jesus wanted us to celebrate His birth, He
would have plainly told us to do so. The early church focused on the
death and resurrection of Jesus. Is it a coincidence that all the traditions
associated with Christmas such as the Christmas tree, wreath,
mistletoe, Yule log, Wassail bowl, Christmas ham, and of course
Santa Claus, all coincide with the pagan worship of Tammuz?
Christmas is nothing more than a pagan tradition dating back to the
time of Nimrod that was sanctified by the Roman Catholic Church.
Jesus said that you shall know the truth and it will make you free.
It's your choice if you choose to embrace a heathen festival but be
ready for the consequences of your idolatry as well. |