Solomon's temple was built on Mount Moriah, the
location where Abraham had come to sacrifice Isaac 1,200 years
earlier and where David had met the Lord during a time of judgment
on Israel. Moses built a tabernacle in the wilderness after the
Israelites left Egypt but this "glorified tent" wasn't a fixed
structure. King David wanted to build the temple but that
responsibility fell to Solomon, who decided to build it in an
unusual way. Gathering the construction materials took four years,
and assembling the prefabricated pieces took another seven years,
during which time the sound of hammers, axes, and other tools of
iron were not heard. The dedication of the temple was an impressive
event as thousands of animals were sacrificed over seven days with
singers and musicians in abundance. The dedication feast lasted
another seven days. Solomon also built a palace, a summer house and
a special house for his pagan Egyptian wife. The Lord warned Solomon
that the Promised Land would be lost and the beautiful temple would
be destroyed if the Israelites became idolatrous. No one in Israel,
including Solomon, paid any attention to the warning because they
figured God was sentimental and would never let that happen. |