Solomon was visited by a queen from the African
nation of Sheba who had heard stories of his fantastic wisdom and
wealth and she traveled 4,000 miles to meet this legendary man. The
Bible does not say how long Makeda stayed in Jerusalem, but the
chronicles of Ethiopian history indicate that she and Solomon had
sexual intercourse and she gave birth to a son on her way home,
suggesting Makeda must have stayed in Jerusalem for at least nine
months. The queen also converted to the faith of Israel and brought
Levites back to Sheba. All the men in Ethiopia were circumcised and
became full-fledged Jews even though they had no bloodline to
Abraham. This story is corroborated in the Book of Acts when Philip
meets the treasurer from Ethiopia and he is converted to Christ. As
a result, Ethiopian Jews began to convert to Christianity in the
first century and the Coptic Christian Church was born. However, not
all men converted to the Christian faith and that is the reason
there are still black Jews in Ethiopia. This is a fascinating story
of God reaching into Africa and rescuing the people of Sheba from
pagan worship some 2,900 years ago. |