As the Godhead was in the process of designing the
creation, they knew the redemption plan for the human race would not
be acceptable to Lucifer and his fallen angels. God foresaw that
Satan would introduce scores of false messiahs to hinder mankind
from accepting Jesus as their Lord and Savior.
To counter this assault of the Devil, the first prophetic word was
given by Jesus after Adam sinned. Later, Enoch was given a
revelation of the future Redeemer and this knowledge was the basis
for Job's bold proclamation that his Redeemer lived and would
resurrect him at the end of time. This information was also the
foundation for the wise men that came to worship Jesus after Mary
had given birth. King David, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Zechariah, Daniel and
Malachi all would prophecy about the coming Messiah.
These revelations provided specific details so that no one could
ever say they did not know Jesus was the Messiah. The only thing God
did not reveal was the year in which the Son of God would finally
arrive. Meanwhile, Satan deceived millions of Jews by using demon
possessed men at different times to falsely declare they were the
messiah. |