The arrival of the Son of God 2,000 years ago was a
huge undertaking. It was literally an invasion from outer space
involving holy angels and the Holy Spirit. God selected two couples
for this mission. Zacharias and Elizabeth would produce a baby who
would be the forerunner to the Messiah. They were old and past child
bearing age, but when they came together as husband and wife,
Gabriel promised Elizabeth would bear a son, who would prepare the
way for Jesus in the spirit of Elijah. Mary was just a teenager. She
had been betrothed to Joseph since a child, but the marriage had
never been consummated. Even though she was a virgin, Gabriel said
she would bear a son whose body would be inhabited by the Son of
God. Joseph had been thinking of divorcing Mary but he did not want
her arrested and executed for adultery. He was convinced by an angel
that the Holy Spirit had impregnated his wife and claimed the child
as his own. This is a fascinating story of the supernatural
beginning of Jesus' life on earth as a man and the role that
Zacharias, Elizabeth, Joseph and Mary played in the redemption plan.