Marriage is where a man and a woman join their lives
together in front of family, friends and God. Children are a natural
byproduct of a couple's love for each other. So when a father and
mother choose to break apart their marriage, it negatively affects
every aspect of their life, with children often bearing the brunt of
the damage. God intended for marriage to be until death and people
just aren't taking their partnership seriously anymore. Pledging to
tell the truth in a courtroom or vowing to protect and uphold the
Constitution when joining the military is a similar promise unlike
swearing on your mother's grave or taking an oath of death as is
common among secret societies. Jephthah was blinded by demonic
forces when he took an ungodly oath which violated the sixth
commandment. He subsequently sacrificed his only daughter because he
foolishly thought God would be pleased with this abhorrent action.
Jesus did not want a repeat of such irrational and stupid behavior
and His teaching in the New Testament admonished Christians to avoid
practices that violate the Word of God. |