Israel was an occupied country at the time of Jesus.
A Roman soldier could order a Jew to stop whatever he was doing and
carry a burden for one mile. Jesus shocked the people when He said
to go an extra mile if a Roman compelled them to go one mile.
Christians should be willing to go the extra mile and treating
unbelievers with kindness will certainly make them more open to the
Gospel message. Jesus stated in the laws given to Moses that people
ought care for their neighbors and help the poor. Giving and tithing
needs to be a way of life rather than a random event. The spiritual
law of sowing and reaping is just as real as gravity and Jesus loves
it when you are a cheerful giver. In fact, everything you possess is
on loan from God and this means you should be a good steward of what
has been entrusted to you. This includes donating to churches and
Christian organizations that squander funds through misuse and
extravagant spending. Giving should be done on an informed basis or
the Lord will hold you responsible. |