All humans have a sinful nature that inherently
creates problems in relationships and a nation can only exist if it
has laws which govern the behavior of its citizens. God did not want
the human race living like a large herd of cattle and this is why
there are towns, cities, counties, states and nations. There was a
lot of violence and evil before Noah's flood and so God wiped out
the earth's population as a result. Capital offense became a
cornerstone of the law system Jesus instituted for anyone that
committed murder. This threat of punishment keeps most people in
line. Christians are citizens in the Kingdom of God, organized into
local communities known as churches. Jesus also set up a chain of
command to rule each church. Every local body of believers should
have apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors, teachers, deacons and
elders. Having a strong leadership structure makes it easy for
members to learn and know what to do. There should be no jealousy;
each office is important and the holders of these offices should
work in harmony, without envy and competition. |