Many times Christians focus solely on God's love when
sharing the Gospel, ignoring repentance, which is a key component of
salvation. God the Father loves humanity and it is His wish than no
one perishes and ends up in the Lake of Fire. This is the message
Jesus conveyed to Nicodemus when this Pharisee came to see Jesus
secretly because of the unanswered questions in his soul. God
doesn't want us to become disheartened or impatient when it comes to
His promises. At the same time, the Lord is longsuffering with
mankind and it is His desire that every human being repents. This
was the case with the people of Nineveh. They were wicked and
certainly worthy of punishment. Yet God is in the business of
forgiveness and second chances. An entire city, more than 100,000
people, responded to Jonah's message of repentance. The Lord was
simply waiting for them to repent. This is the sentiment that
Christians need to promote. The apostle Peter summed it up
beautifully when he stated, "God is no respecter of persons: but in
every nation, he that fears the Lord and works righteousness, is
accepted with Him. |