The desperate usually succeed because they have
nothing to lose. This was the case with two blind men as Jesus was
leaving Jericho to confront the Devil and the ungodly Jewish
leadership in Jerusalem. These guys called out to Jesus for a
healing because they wanted full use of their eyes like everyone
else. Jesus then continued His journey and entered the city of David
like a king. He had always entered inconspicuously but this time it
was completely different. He went straight to the temple and showed
His wrath toward the corrupt religious system by attacking the
vendors and the money changers and driving them from the temple.
Then it was time for one last gathering with the twelve apostles.
Jesus had instituted the Passover meal in Egypt some 1,500 years
earlier and He ended the tradition that night by establishing
communion to commemorate His upcoming death and resurrection. It was
during this meal that Jesus showed what true love is by washing the
feet of the apostles, even going so far as to wash the feet of
Judas, who would betray Him to the Jewish leadership. |