Tuesday night of the Passover week saw Jesus
finishing the Passover meal, washing the feet of the apostles,
informing them that one of them would betray Him that night, and
quelling an argument as to who would be the greatest. Jesus then led
the apostles to Gethsemane, a garden at the foot of the Mount of
Olives, knowing He would soon be arrested. It was just a matter of
hours before Judas betrayed Him. He would be verbally abused and
beaten by the High Priest and his crowd, brutally flogged and mocked
by Roman soldiers, painfully hung on a cross, and if that wasn't bad
enough, judged by God for the sins of mankind. This why the Son of
God separated Peter, John and James from the rest of the group and
asked them to support Him in prayer. The problem was that they were
overcome with sleep and could not stay awake even though Jesus woke
them up multiple times. The final hours leading to the crucifixion
must have felt like an eternity as the Son of God began to sweat
blood. In the end, God the Father sent an angel to comfort and
strengthen Jesus for the upcoming ordeal. |