Religion has always been a profitable, and when Jesus
got in the way of the men running Judaism, the high priest and his
cronies decided Jesus must be killed. A detachment of temple
soldiers came with Judas to arrest Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane
and Peter cut off the ear of Malchus in the commotion that followed.
The disciples fled when they realized that Jesus was not going to
fight the soldiers but Peter doubled back and followed at a
distance. Jesus was taken to the house of Caiaphas where the
Sanhedrin had already gathered. While this was happening, Peter was
recognized as a follower of Jesus and denied knowing the Son of God
three times just as Jesus had predicted. While Peter wept bitterly,
the demon possessed men of the Sanhedrin wrapped up their kangaroo
court after eliciting a confession of sorts from Jesus. Then they
ripped out His beard and beat Him, totally disregarding Isaiah’s
prophecies concerning the Messiah and the instructions of Psalm 2 to
kiss the Son of God. |