-- AUGUST 2, 2020
Living During the Tribulation
Part 4: The Rapture Hoax |
The false rapture teaching is one of the cruelest
jokes Lucifer ever pulled on Christianity. This false doctrine
originated with a Jesuit priest named Manuel de Lacunza, a
Kabbalistic crypto Jew from Santiago, Chile. Edward Irving in
England was convinced Lacunza's writings were a revelation from God
and translated them into English. John Darby brought this heretical
doctrine to America through the Plymouth Brethren. He reached a
Presbyterian pastor that was connected to criminal named Cyrus
Scofield, who in turn was able to infiltrate D.L. Moody's
organization and propagate it to the Moody Bible institutes in
Chicago and Los Angeles and Dallas Theological Seminary. Christians
were soon convinced to abandon their positions in county, state, and
federal government because "Jesus was returning." It only took 150
years for the rapture hoax to become mainstream in evangelical,
Pentecostal and Baptist Churches. This why under the authority of
the Supreme Leader, the majority of Christians decide to renounce
Christ and join the Beast system. |

All Scripture references are taken
from the King James Bible.
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P.O. Box 166, Sheridan, California 95681 USA
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