-- FEBRUARY 28, 2021
The Equality Act is all the rage in Congress, but the
irony is that it has nothing to do with equality and everything to
do with normalizing homosexuality. The COVID-19 vaccines being
introduced contain mRNA, which injects molecules of synthetic
genetic material from non-human sources into your cells. No one
knows if these new types of vaccines will cause cancer, seizures,
heart disease, allergies, and autoimmune diseases as seen with other
vaccines. There is also a push to have church members tested each
week for the coronavirus. It's amazing the amount of control the
federal and state governments' wants to exert on churches and the
fear being projected. Finally, many believers in Christ are
wondering if the COVID-19 vaccine could be the Mark of the Beast.
Pastor John explains how the vaccine cannot store personal data,
interact with a reading device, or grant access to a world economic
system and transfer money from a personal account to a merchant. It
is not a mark of loyalty and does not fit the parameters specified
in the Bible. |

All Scripture references are taken
from the King James Bible.
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