-- JULY 18, 2021
Part 29: The Slippery Slope of Idolatry |
Education is the key to success. This is why Lucifer
sought to change the narrative of what God had done to create
Israel. Satan preys on the weakness of human beings, utilizing the
sinful nature which is attracted to power, wealth and sexual
gratification. The focus of the second generation of Hebrews in the
Promised Land was to continue clearing out the Canaanites and take
control of the land. They left the nomadic lifestyle and settled on
established farms and in cities. Lucifer enticed them to focus on
enriching themselves and success became their downfall as the
education of their children was ignored. The third generation
witnessed the surviving Canaanites and their worship of demon gods.
There was plenty of food and alcohol, nude dancing, and sexual
gratification. This was exciting in comparison to the worship of
God. Lucifer was able to entice the third generation to walk away
from God and the irony is that they became just as evil as the
Canaanites Joshua was instructed to exterminate. |

All Scripture references are taken
from the King James Bible.
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P.O. Box 166, Sheridan, California 95681 USA
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