-- JUNE 5, 2022
Charles M. Thorell |
The Son of God came to give humanity eternal life and
it is therefore the duty of parents to introduce their children to
the Lord. So what happens when they fail to do so? It produces a
society without a moral compass. Subjective opinions replace facts
as truth is gradually eroded. Politicians are famous for trying to
legislate morality – especially after a mass shooting – but this is
impossible when God has effectively been removed from public life.
Why did Jesus come to the earth? The answer is only meaningful if
you understand that you contribute nothing to your salvation except
the sin that made it necessary. The redemption offered to mankind is
contingent upon the Son of God’s ability to destroy the works of the
Devil. To this end, Christians have been granted access to the vast
resources of heaven to preach the gospel and in turn make the world
a better place. All hell may break loose in your life but you can be
confident that your Savior will be present for every situation.
Which of Satan’s works are you trusting Jesus to destroy? |

All Scripture references are taken
from the King James Bible.
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P.O. Box 166, Sheridan, California 95681 USA
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