-- MARCH 5, 2023
Part 100: The Greatest Story Ever Told |
King Solomon was a mixed bag with his embrace of God
and the Luciferian agenda. His reign marked the peak of Israel’s
golden age, but Solomon’s sins were so great that God split the
kingdom after his death and the glory that once was Israel was
forever lost as the northern and southern kingdoms were eventually conquered by
the Assyrians and the Babylonians. A remnant returned from Babylon
to rebuild the temple and Jerusalem. God was silent for over four
centuries as the Greeks rose to prominence, followed by the Romans,
during which there was infighting among the remnant. Then the time
finally arrived for the Redeemer promised so long ago to Adam. The
origin of mankind’s Savior planned in eternity past was finally
fulfilled when the Son of God was incarnated to a virgin. Humanity’s
redemption would conclude with a stunning ending when the God-man
was crucified some 33.5 years later. It was the end of the beginning
when the Son of God was resurrected three days later, forever
defeating Lucifer and sealing his fate in the Lake of Fire. |

All Scripture references are taken
from the King James Bible.
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P.O. Box 166, Sheridan, California 95681 USA
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