-- AUGUST 27, 2023
Part 30: Invitation from Jesus |
Jesus and John the Baptist were second cousins. John
started his ministry earlier than Jesus and was well-known when the
God-man came to be baptized. Then he was arrested by Herod Antipas.
Eventually he sent two disciples to find out if Jesus really was the
Messiah. The God-man recited the great miracles being done, but made
no attempt to rescue His cousin. It is difficult to know the mindset
of God. John was beheaded for speaking the truth. The apostle James
was killed as well. Peter, Paul, and Silas were jailed but set free.
What can we conclude? God is sovereign in His actions. He chooses to
let some die while saving others. We aren’t told the reasoning.
Jesus went so far as to curse the cities of Galilee that witnessed
His miracles and refused to repent. He issued an open invitation to
anyone that wanted to be blessed, promising rest and a light burden
for those who willing to take up His yoke. |

All Scripture references are taken
from the King James Bible.
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P.O. Box 166, Sheridan, California 95681 USA
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