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RLJ-1995 -- DECEMBER 29, 2024

Part 92: The Great Commission

The apostles traveled to Galilee to meet with Jesus. Peter and six others impulsively decided to go night fishing and caught nothing. When the sun began to rise, a man stood on the shore and called out for them to cast the net a final time. Humoring the man they did not recognize; they found the net was suddenly full of fish and threatening to sink the boat. It was reminiscent of the same miracle that had occurred three years earlier. John recognized it was Jesus and Peter joyfully jumped overboard to meet the God-man. The Son of God had a meal prepared and the men ate it in silence, knowing who He was, but no one dared question His identity. Then Jesus did something surprising by singling out Peter and repeatedly asking him, “Do you love me?” The answer was simple enough, but Peter could not answer to the God-man’s satisfaction because they were at different levels. Jesus was asking about unconditional love and Peter kept referencing brotherly love.
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All Scripture references are taken from the King James Bible.
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