By John S. Torell
It was with great sadness that I read a letter from Ted Pike which I am
including below in which he tells about a boycott he is receiving from the
mainstream Christian leadership. I have never met Ted in person but
we became good friends back in the mid 1980’s and we have exchanged
material we each produced. He has received The Dove
magazine and The Flaming Sword
newsletter from me and we received his newsletters. We carry his book,
Israel, Our
Duty and Dilemma, which was a bold move on his part to let Christians
know the truth about our relationship with the political State of Israel.
Most mainstream Christians are indoctrinated as Christian Zionists,
whereby they believe that if a Christian does not bless the political
state of Israel, then God will curse them. If you ask a Christian where
this is found in the Bible they will turn and refer to the blessing of
Abraham (Genesis 12:1-3; 22:16-18), but if the text is carefully read, it
never states anything about the State of Israel, and in the New Testament,
Paul states that the seed of Abraham are the born again believers in
Christ (Romans 4:11-16; 9:1-8). Paul makes it very clear in that Jews and
Gentiles alike must come through Christ in order to be counted as heirs of
Abraham (Galatians 3:16-29).
According to the American Jewish leadership, Ted Pike is anti-Semitic but
let’s be fair and define exactly what anti-Semitism is and is not.
According to the World Zionist Federation, the ADL and all other Jewish
organizations, an anti-Semite is any person who does not support the
political state of Israel, is critical of Jewish policies or exposes
historical facts which are not kind to Jewish people.
It is interesting to note that the mainstream Christian leadership in the
United States doesn’t care if Christian researchers examine different
religions like Islam, Hinduism and Buddhism. Books on these subjects are
readily available in Christian bookstores and many of these stores are
owned and operated by American Jews. So it doesn’t produce any problems if
books are very critical of different religions. Christian researchers
examining and writing critical books and articles about the Mormons,
Jehovah’s Witnesses and other sects that have deviated from Christianity
do not raise any concern because the Christian bookstores make hefty
profits on these sales.
But if a Christian researcher decides to investigate Judaism, where it
came from, what they have been doing in the past and what they are doing
now, this is unacceptable to the American Jewish leadership and they have
installed a great fear into all mainstream Christian leaders about the
threat of being labeled as anti-Semitic. They know that if they are
labeled as such, their finances will dry up and they will be boycotted and
driven into isolation. If a minister is on the radio and television, it
will not take long before he is forced off the air. No publishing houses
will print his books and the media will never mention his name. As far as
the world knows, the person will no longer exist.
Ordinary Christians are clueless about all this. If you’re reading this
and this is new to you, I know you find this hard to believe but I
challenge you to contact Christian ministries and ask them why they are
not talking about Ted Pike and giving him credit for what he has done. Ask
them what Ted has done that is so horrible to warrant being labeled an
anti-Semite? I don’t believe that any ministry will dare to respond to
your questions because they have no answers and are operating out of fear
of American Jewish power.
Please read Ted’s letter below and then start checking things out. I have
written a series of articles called,
Dancing Around the Golden Calf. Please read them and start to think,
pray and do your own research, and you will come to the same conclusion
that Judaism is the cradle for the coming Anti-Christ. Send links to all
your friends and let’s break the monopoly of power of the Jewish
leadership and expose them.
I don’t hate the Jewish people nor does Ted Pike. Neither one of us hates
the Muslim’s, Hindu’s and Buddhist’s. On the contrary, we love all people
and our aim is to present Jesus Christ and see them born again. This is a
hate crime to the Jews and for this Ted is considered anti-Semitic.
True anti-Semitism can be defined as hating the Jews by not giving them
the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
C.H. Spurgeon once said, “If sinners will be damned, at least let them
leap to hell over our bodies. And if they will perish, let them perish
with our arms around their knees, imploring them to stay. If hell must be
filled, at least let it be filled in the teeth of our exertions, and let
not one go there unwarned and unsprayed for.” To be called an
anti-Semite by the Jews for standing up for truth is like the pot calling
the kettle black. As such, we will continue to expose the future
Anti-Christ system which will eventually take over the world.
Ted Pike is not anti-Semitic. He is a Christian researcher exposing the
evil deeds of Jewish leaders as they try to further their agenda while
keeping the Gentiles ignorant and happy.
By Rev. Ted Pike
Hitler and Mussolini came to power, parliamentary governments had been in
place in Germany and Italy for at least a half a century. These dictators
established political power outside legislative due process, under the
guise of national emergency. They ruled by fiat – claiming such was the
only efficient way to regain national power and honor. In just this way,
Democrats betrayed justice in the Senate this past week.
On Thursday,
with audacity Sen. John McCain said is “breaking new ground,” Democrats
approved their hate bill in disregard of literally every
constitutional restraint on tyranny. They defied adequate and fair
Judiciary hearings, Mark-up session, Rules session and allowance of open
debate before a quorum on the Senate floor. This is not the American way.
It is government and law by legislative fiat, the way of Napoleon, Hitler,
Mussolini, and Stalin.
It is
How should
lovers of freedom respond to this and other coming assaults on liberty?
The hate bill victory is a green light for ADL-inspired hate laws such as
ENDA and cyber-bullying bill, HR 1966. Having passed the landmark hate
crimes bill via totalitarian means, Congressional Democrats will continue
their strategy with even greater boldness.
Patriots of
all religious and political persuasions must unite with a shout of
protest against further shattering of freedom.
Disunity Plagued Hate Bill Opposition
activist groups welcome any faction, no matter how depraved. Such
cooperation has not existed among conservatives in opposition to the hate
bill this winter and spring.
As early as
late December, I began to broadcast and write against the hate bill. I
phoned new right leadership groups, encouraging them to jumpstart
education and offensive action. Over the past seven months, I have given
196 radio interviews, posted 72 articles and created 5 short documentary
videos against the federal hate crimes bill. I provided the calls to
action that slowed what might have been extremely rapid passage of the
hate bill. (Action,
Not Just Prayer, Can Kill Hate Bill)
Yet for the
first nearly four months of the hate bill’s progress, except for WorldNet
Daily, the evangelical right responded with silence and inaction. The
religious right only finally came alive after I dramatized the House
Judiciary’s rejection of Rep. Steve King’s demand for a
pedophile-excluding statement on the hate bill, as well as Rep. Alcee
Hasting’s enthusiastic support of the hate bill’s protection of
pedophiles. The most striking form of protest that finally emerged was
WorldNetDaily’s campaign (initiated by Janet Porter) to FedEx hundreds of
thousands of form letters to the Senate. This was fueled by a continuous
stream of WND articles opposing the hate bill. With the notable exceptions
of Focus on the Family and Family Research Council, a number of
evangelical watchdog groups, particularly Traditional Values Coalition and
Faith2Action, began to loudly militate against the hate bill.
Yet if you
read their articles or listen to their broadcasts, you will notice that to
this moment, there is no mention of the in-depth educational ministry of
the National Prayer Network and its website, Our website, if visited by countless
Christians/conservatives, could exponentially energize hate law
Boycotting Ted Pike
Early this
winter an evangelical leadership source told me that he listened to a
telephone conference between top evangelical leaders concerned about how
to stop the hate bill. He said that all major watchdog groups agreed
nothing should be said or done to indicate any association with
“anti-Semitic” Rev. Ted Pike. Another leadership authority told me WND’s
Joseph Farah was particularly determined his online newspaper generally
say nothing that might suggest influence from me.
Does this
help explain the initial nearly four-month silence of most of the
religious right toward any recognition of the hate bill threat? Were they
afraid that, if they popularized the issue, people would flock to the
world's preeminent website in opposition to hate laws? Would people
discover the ADL (Jewish supremacist) origin of hate laws, undermining
evangelicals’ claim that hate laws originate with liberals and
homosexuals? It is likely.
For the past
seven months, I have repeatedly seen the religious right ignore vital
information about the hate bill threat and opportunities to defeat it for
only one possible reason: they didn't want to be seen as influenced by me.
After Janet
Porter, head of Faith2Action, informed me that conservative witnesses were
being turned away by Sen. Leahy’s Senate Judiciary Committee, I
immediately quoted her, mounting a national campaign of protest. She
called back to tell me that Andrea Lafferty of Traditional Values
Coalition and some of her radio listeners had “reamed her out" for even
talking to me! She warned me that if ever again I mentioned publicly that
I had talked to her, she would never answer any call from me -- even
concerning an imminent hate bill threat!
On July 10
and again on July 12, I emailed WND’s Bob Unruh and Joseph Farah that the
hate bill would be coming to a vote very quickly and they must rally
immediate protest. WND responded by posting articles on such topics as
Obama’s dubious citizenship all week until 11:35 p.m. Wednesday, July 15.
The hate bill
passed on Thursday.
The "Threat" of Ted Pike
St. Paul
asked, “Have I therefore become your enemy by telling you the truth?”
(Gal. 4:16) I am only a “threat” to deep, habitual error that leads
evangelical leaders and their followers into unholy alliance with
spiritual and political wickedness. I testify that they and their fathers
are guilty of holding to an unbiblical policy of unconditional support of
Israel. This has led to carte blanche approval of more than 60 years of
the most horrendous human rights abuses against the Palestinians. Their
inflexible policy of non-criticism of Jewish supremacy, including its
ascendant control of media, government, finance, education, etc., as well
as hate crimes laws, has effectively built the walls of the coming Judaic
New World order, “Babylon the Great.” (Jews
Confirm Big Media Is Jewish) Their refusal to criticize matters Jewish
is responsible for allowing ADL to attain legislative dominion over
I bring the
accusation that they have not guided and guarded their Christian flock as
true and faithful shepherds. They have feared Jewish supremacist wolves
more than they love their lambs. They flee for fear of the Jews rather
than lay down their lives (and reputations) to protect the flock God has
entrusted to them.
debatable who fears me most: evangelical leaders or ADL! But, as we saw
through my initiation of massive protest last week (leading directly to
acceptance of the Brownback amendment), all I have done has borne good
fruit – not evil. The Brownback amendment will help protect free speech in
the most vicious, freedom-destroying legislation ever passed by Congress.
Is Ted Pike Anti-Semitic?
I have never
uttered an anti-Semitic statement -- because I am not anti-Semitic.
Anti-Semitism is the racist belief that all Jews are genetically
conspiratorial, degenerate, or corruptive. Hitler believed that. He
thought the world would be a much better place without their existence and
took steps to actually bring it about.
I believe the
problem with Jewish supremacists in media, government, finance and Israel
is that they, like their literal or spiritual forefathers the Pharisees,
have made many, many bad moral decisions.
As a result,
I, like the Hebrew prophets, must rebuke them (or any sinner) as the Lord
leads. I do this in hope they will repent, as did St. Paul, who said, “My
heart’s desire and prayer is that Israel be saved.” (Rom. 10:1) If I fail
to reprove or warn, or if I do not speak the whole, undiminished truth as
God directs, I jeopardize my eternal soul. (Ez. 33, Jer. 26:22)
If I am
anti-Semitic, then Jesus, John the Baptist, and all the prophets
were raving anti-Semites! They scathingly reproved all Jewish sinners,
especially those abusing high authority. Thus far, God has not led me to
criticize evil Jewish leaders in language as searing and condemnatory as
Jesus used in His incendiary attacks on the Pharisees!
We Can Trust the Truth
A central
problem with Israel-first leadership and laity is that they fear the
consequences of telling the whole truth about ADL authorship of hate laws,
Jewish control of the media, Jewish origins of Communism, etc. (Jewish
Activists Created Communism) They fear the whole truth will bear evil
fruits – an outbreak of rampant anti-Semitism, persecuting God’s chosen
people and frustrating His desire to preserve and redeem a remnant of them
at His second coming. Actually, evangelical leaders are in much greater
danger of provoking anti-Semitism by quenching the truth. By exempting
the vilest Jews from criticism and letting ADL establish oppressive hate
laws worldwide and legislative control of Congress, they empower ADL to
arouse the bitterest resentment of those they would enslave. ADL, not Ted
Pike, is much more likely to provoke worldwide anger and even virulent,
vulgar anti-Semitism.
The whole
truth is a fresh, cleansing wind that redeems society. Jesus said, "You
shall know the truth, and the truth shall set you free." (John 8:32)
Truth-telling is the affirmation of reality. Until we embrace and serve
truth completely, we will forever parse and manipulate reality in a vain,
self-defeating attempt to be safe and respectable.
As we have
seen over the past several weeks, the evangelical right, knowing full well
the imminent danger of hate bill passage, yet deciding to ignore my calls
for action, only made themselves foolish. The depths of such foolishness
were plumbed the previous week by the recommendation of Dr. James Dobson
and FRC’s Tony Perkins that everyone should end all attempts to defeat the
hate bill and just pray.
Listen to
Focus on the Family's James Dobson betray efforts to fight the Hate
after I alerted them that homosexual calls in favor of the hate bill
exceeded those of Christians against it, evangelical leadership groups
finally did what was right. They worked with God and with me to create a
massive three-day hate bill protest that continued just as strongly on
Friday, the day after hate bill passage! When they did what was right,
instead of being narrowly protectionistic and reactionary, God blessed us
with adoption of the Brownback amendment.
But the
question remains: If Christian/conservative leadership groups had been as
proactive and vigilant as the National Prayer Network, might the hate bill
have been defeated?
One thing is
sure. Considering the darkness that looms before us, we dare not repeat
our mistakes.
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