Size: 6.5" x 9.75" x 1.5"
study Bibles are born simply to be popular. The Master Study Bible was created
nearly twenty years ago simply to be powerful. Many students will value the fact that the Master Study Bible
keeps the text of Scripture separate from the many study tools. This enables the
reader to give clear focus on the Bible text and then go from there to the great
variety of tools available within one cover.
Master Study Bible center-column reference system links you to thousands of
related passages in the King James text, as well as alternate readings for
obscure and difficult-to-translate words. They create a systematic approach to
Bible study, allowing the Bible itself to serve as its own best commentary. The
most unique feature about this Bible is that it contains Self-Pronouncing Text
in the Old and New Testaments. Meaning, all proper names are divided into
syllables accented and marked with the vowel sounds showing how they should be
Special Features Include:
500 page encyclopedia
with thousands of entries on important people, places and events - your ever
present guide to Bible facts and information.
8 full color maps
400 page topical
concordance where terms and concepts gather in orderly groups for hours of
conversation, understanding and discovery.
Bible book
Robert Murray
M'Cheyne's Bible reading plan
reference system provides a thorough, systematic study approach that allows the
Bible to serve as its own best commentary.
How to read and study
the Bible
Who is Jesus?
Titles of Jesus
The Gospel Message
Teachings of Jesus
Jesus and the Ten
Messianic Prophecies
in the Old Testament
A Harmony of the
Parables & Miracles
of our Lord
Discourses of
Prophecies of Jesus'
Second Coming
You'll find what
you've been missing in your personal Bible study. And though all these learning
features are always available, they are placed apart from the Bible text itself
so they are there when you need them but easily put away when all you want is
uncluttered, undisturbed reading.
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Sword Bible
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