18, 2013
Dear Friends,
I recently took a leap of faith
and resigned as pastor of Resurrection Life of Jesus Church on February 17,
2013. For some time now, God has been speaking to me about resigning so I can
give all my time to our Internet ministry but I have been hesitant to do so
because the church has been paying my salary and the Internet ministry of EAEC
does not currently have the strength to assume that responsibility.
God is in charge of my life but
I feel that I am reliving the year 1969 all over again because that was the year
God told me to quit my engineering job and begin attending seminary full time.
Up to that time I had never lived in faith that God would supply all my needs,
instead, I trusted the State of Utah to supply me with two checks every month,
plus, I was building up a nice retirement fund as well.
In teaching me faith, God used
up all my resources and I could not initially get a job before seminary started.
Before long my retirement funds were depleted, my savings were gone and I had no
money at all. That's when God opened the door for a janitorial position that
supplied my wife and I with the necessary finances to make it through seminary
and He has continued to take care of me as I have served Him full time.
I find it ironic that I am now
in same type of situation some forty years later as I have a stack of bills and
no money to pay them. I wonder if God thinks my faith is rusty and needs to be
upgraded? At any rate, heaven has been silent about the matter and God has not
asked my opinion, so I will simply continue to praise Him and see how this
problem is solved.
Some three years ago God
strongly directed me to start writing a series of books on the Kabbalah and so
far I have completed six of them. Being a pastor for a church, I could only
devote so much time to research and writing, and the books have taken a long
time to be completed. I am currently working on two more books in the series and
both are close to completion.
We used to have a monthly
newsletter, but this effort has been sporadic due to lack of time. I have an
urgency in my spirit because the people who want to usher in the Antichrist
system are speeding up their plans and the current gun control push in the
United States does not bode well for the Christian church and our nation.
started an internet ministry more than fifteen years ago and then added
webcasting to our portfolio in 2008 where we have more than 25,000 visitors to
our website every month. This might be a small number compared to more
well-known ministries, but it is a huge number for us. If every person visiting
our website would donate just one dollar every month, I would not need to ask
for financial help, but most people on the Internet are used to free material
and never stop to consider how a ministry is financed. They are more than happy
to accept all the free material but have no intention of supporting EAEC.
Statistically, it
takes a lot of visitors to generate one person that will invest in the ministry.
Our expenses are
not large but there are certain bills that must be paid or we won’t have access
to the church building where the recordings takes place or the production center
where everything is prepared and shipped out. Salaries must be paid to provide
basic necessities such as food and shelter. In short, we don’t squander the
money that is carefully entrusted to us because we live frugal lives as we share
the Gospel with the world.
There are three groups of
people associated with this ministry.
The first is a small but
dedicated group of Christian friends from around the world who give to the
work of the Lord on a monthly basis. God has blessed them and moved upon
them to be part of EAEC.
The second group of
Christian friends gives to the ministry from time to time. When we present a
need, they will generously respond with a one-time gift, but once these
funds are spent, we are still in the red.
Then we have a large group
of Christian friends who regularly read the material on our website,
purchase our books and watch our videos, but they do not feel compelled to
give to the work of the Lord. We receive many e-mails and letters in which
they tell us what a blessing we are to them but never support us
Many of you are committed to
the teaching of God's Word through EAEC. Your support of this ministry is an act
of love and it is your prayers and gifts that have sustained us. Would you pray
and ask God if He wants you to support EAEC on a monthly basis

All of us like to read
biographies of great missionaries in the past like Hudson Taylor, C.T. Studd,
George Müller, William Booth and William Carey to name a few. But there is one
thing we must remember, behind these courageous men and women stood tens of
thousands of Christians, who upheld them in prayer and faithfully sent their
financial support to keep these ministries on the mission field.
Today we do not have to send
missionaries to different nations because the Internet has opened up the world
and this is the hour to push as hard as we can in order to see as many people
born again as possible. There are a lot of hurting people in the world. I have a
desire to see backsliders come to back to God, to set the demon oppressed free,
to help couples whose marriages are on the rocks, to reach the young people
stuck in the drug infested inner cities and to give hope of deliverance to those
bound by pornography.
Right now this ministry needs
an infusion of $5,000 to pay current debts, but in addition to that immediate
help, we also need a commitment from faithful friends who will stay with us
month after month and financially support EAEC.
You're probably wondering how we got into such a
financial hole? We are totally dependent on those who will give faithfully to
enable us to meet our need and continue sharing
God's truth around the world. As we remain passionate to communicate biblical
truth and its practical application through our website and published resources,
will you make an impact with us by supporting the ministry with a generous
donation — as well as with your prayers? I look forward to hearing from you
Yours in Christ,
John S. Torell

From the Desk
of John S. Torell |