The Attack on Israel: False Flag Operations and the Distortion of Truth
Wars in the Spirit World - Part 2
The War in Ukraine
Wars in the Spirit World - Part 1
The Hidden Hand
The Strangling of America
What is a Joseph Ministry?
A Vision about World War III - Revisited
The Antichrist Vanguard
The Handwriting is on the Wall
Spiritual Warfare
The Benefits of Social Medicine
Lies, Deception, and More Lies
Coronavirus Panic
Biological Weapon - Part 2: The Coronavirus
Biological Weapon - Part 1: Ebola
A Word of Encouragement
U.S. Election Meddling
President Trump and Syria
How Does God Judge Nations?
The Unseen Power
March 2019 Current Events
Massacre in New Zealand
Cursing Justice Kavanaugh
A Move of God in America
Character Assassination: The Political Lynching of Judge Brett Kavanaugh
Rejecting Defeat: Disease Eradication vs. Disease Management
Suicide: The Ultimate Rebellion
Mass Shootings
Church Violence | Roy Moore
Why Celebrate July 4th?
Sterilization, Abortion & Enslavement - Paris Climate Agreement
Trump vs. Putin
To God be the Glory
The Election & Our Children
Judging Trump - Media Manipulation & Public Opinion
Trump & Brexit
Islamic Jihad
Politics, Sex & Murder
What the Future Holds
And There Was Light
Radical Muslim Terror
Soul Damage
Fire Base Sacramento - Requesting Help
The Third Generation
Weather Modification: Fact or Fiction?
Ukraine - A Trigger to World War 3?
A Vision about World War III
Malaysia Airlines Flight MH17: Accident or Crime?
ISIS: The Ugly Face of Islam
We Must Expand
Ukraine Uprising
Almost There
The Church during the reign of the Antichrist
Planning for the Future
Hard Times
Catch the Vision
The Consistency of Christ
Facing the Wrath of God
The Webcast is back!
News Update
We're Moving
The Past & The Future
Change of Direction
Response to "The Future Is Here"
The Future Is Here
Why Do Some People Become Killers?
The Harvest Truly Is Great
Mass Murder in Aurora, Colorado
When Will Israel Attack Iran?
Romney vs Obama / Ministry News
Stepping on the Devil
Occupy Wall Street - Who is behind it?
Family Radio Refuses to Repent!
Why Should We Ask For Money?
My Take on 9/11
The Final Financial Meltdown?
The Story of Johnny Todd
The Demise of the American Economy
God is Destroying America
Rallying the Troops
Holding Back The Antichrist
Harold Camping is Out of Commission
The Gift of Repentance
Harold Camping is destroying what's left of Family Radio
Is Family Radio Going Down?
Is Osama bin Laden Dead?
Is God Judging America?
A Tribute to David Wilkerson
Communion or Seder?
The Trap is about to be Sprung!
The Scourge of Islam
The Agenda of the World Government
Letter to our Supporters
Who is Responsible for the Earthquake in Japan?
The Noose is Tightening
The Middle East in Flames
What is next in Egypt?
Order out of Chaos in Egypt
Our Engine is Sputtering!
Praise the Lord for the Gas!
The Obama Deception
December News from the Ministry
November 2010 Ministry Update
Jews and the Tea Party
Our Ship Has Been Rescued
Our Ship Has Taken a Hit!
August 2010 Ministry Update
July 2010 Ministry Update
A Call for Help
An intimate Love Letter from Father God to you.