May 17, 2013
Dear Friends,
It’s been three months since we had our last
webcast from Resurrection Life of Jesus Church in Sacramento but I am pleased to
announce that we are back online. The Holy Spirit has been with us and we now
have a studio where we can do webcasting again. The recovery has not been easy
and there were times when it looked like we were not making any headway but God
opened a door at the last moment and gave us solutions for every problem we
faced. Our first live webcast will take place Sunday May 19, 2013 at 9 AM PST.
Our friends on the East Coast will be able to catch us at noon and our viewers
in Western Europe will see us at 6 p.m.
apostle Paul spoke about the armor of God in his letter to the Ephesians. The
Sword, which is the Word of God, is the only offensive weapon mentioned among
the other articles in the text. Now I don’t know about you, but I think about
this ministry in terms of offensive firepower against the Devil. Jesus called
his disciples to be salt and light. Salt is a preservative but it is also
something that adds savor and enjoyment to our daily food. Light is a symbol of
truth; it is comforting, penetrating, guiding and exposes darkness. We seek to
preserve biblical truth and shed the glorious light of the Gospel in a world
that is consumed by darkness. The webcast is just one of our offensive weapons,
and because of the gifts to the ministry, we are going to once again open fire
on the Devil this coming Sunday.
Our hope
is for European American Evangelistic Crusades to continue to be salt and light
in this fallen world. Why? Because authentic Christianity must involve touching
the lives of those in need. Moving and setting up a new studio not only takes
time but it also involves extra expenses. For this reason, I urge you to be
generous in your financial support of European American Evangelistic Crusades.
We depend on the faithful gifts of many friends just like you every month to
help meet those needs.
I pray that
you will be able to join me this coming Sunday and
be part of this historical day, when Resurrection Life of Jesus Church is
resurrected by the power of the Holy Spirit. To God be the glory!
Yours in Christ,
Pastor John S. Torell

From the Desk
of John S. Torell |