
When American troops began to flood
the jungles of Vietnam to fight the communists from the north, it was a war that
often had no battle lines. As a result, the enemy would pop up, fight and melt
back into the jungle. In order to suppress the advance of the North Vietnamese
soldiers, the United States built a number of fire bases upon strategic hill
tops which could accurately lay down concentrated artillery fire upon request.
The fire bases were located on hill tops with no roads leading to them
were shaved flat on top and heavily fortified. When combined with the steep
sides and access via helicopter only, these fire bases were difficult for the
Viet Cong soldiers to assault and conquer.
As marine and army units fanned out
to seek and engage the enemy in combat, calls were made from the ground units to
the fire bases and the heavy artillery guns would begin to thunder, killing and
demoralizing the communist soldiers. It didn’t take long for the Viet Cong
generals to figure out that the fire bases had to be destroyed if they had any
hope of winning the war.
A strategy was devised where the
Viet Cong soldiers were doped up on heroin and rope was tied around their arms
and legs to restrict blood loss when they were inevitably shot by the hilltop
defenders. The heroin would give them energy and ropes around their appendages
would allow them to press forward until their bodies
were drained
of blood. These suicidal North
Vietnamese troops would then charge up the hill like ants in an effort to
overrun and silence the artillery that was causing them so much trouble.
As hundreds of Viet Cong soldiers
became trapped in the razor wire, their comrades would use them as a spring
board to charge into the fire base. American soldiers would desperately call for
air strikes to beat back the determined assault. In a few minutes the sound of
screaming F4-phantom jets could be heard as they released devastating napalm on
the attackers. The Viet Cong were so close that the American soldiers could see
them trying to scrape the napalm from their bodies as they burned to death.
What does this mean for us today?
Well, I am an officer in the Army of God and I have been placed in charge of a
fire base located in California. We have cleared ground and built a base in a
rural area north of Sacramento. God has provided us with big spiritual guns that
are able to hit the strongholds of Satan anywhere on earth. We are not content
to sit in our fire base but we lead people to Christ, cast out demons and pray
for healing of their bodies. People are arriving to be set free as we
continually expose the lies of the Devil and prepare people for the coming reign
of the Antichrist. I know that we have been noticed by the forces of Satan and
they are doing what they can to overrun our base and remove us from the earth.
We are currently facing a three
pronged attack. First, there is an issue with our water supply. The ministry is
situated where there is no municipal water and our well can only supply a
certain amount of water. Water is critical to human beings and it has become
necessary to drill another well in order to make sure that we have the water
that we need. The cost for this project is estimated to be in excess of $10k.
Secondly, the Lord has blessed us
financially so far this year and yet it is evident that we are experiencing an
economic attack. Our regular support meets certain obligations such as salaries
and regular bills but it does not cover social security taxes and the cost to
replace equipment that breaks down over time with regular use. We need to have a
number of additional friends of the ministry that are willing to give on a
monthly basis to take care of these needs.
The third attack has affected the
health of the staff and members of Resurrection Life of Jesus Church. I am sure
that the forces of Satan are not excluding the friends of this ministry and that
you have experienced a loss of health as well. God has given each one of us a
physical body to use on earth, and if it is sick, it will curtail our activities
and keep us from doing what the Lord wants us to do.
When the soldiers met and engaged a
stronger enemy during the Vietnam War, they would call in fire support and the
artillery guns would begin to thunder and strike the requested coordinates. In
much the same way, this ministry is languishing and I am calling in fire support
in the following areas:
Fervent prayer on our behalf and
fasting from time to time.
Our ministry needs an additional
$5,000 every month. Please don't let the amount intimidate you. Whatever you
can donate to God's work matters and every gift makes a difference. Will you
help keep us going at this critical time so we can continue the work of the
Lord uninterrupted?
Satan’s forces are piling up on the
razor wire around our base, incoming fire is heavy and we need to drive the
enemy off. Money will take care of physical needs
and fervent prayer will bring healing to all the troops who are wounded by the
enemy. Thanks
for responding.
Yours in Christ,
Pastor John S. Torell
From the Desk
of John S. Torell |