July 9, 2013
Dear Friends,
Everyone looks forward to summer because it means vacation time has
arrived with people going to the beach, camping, swimming and doing
whatever hobby you like to do. It could be that you just like to
relax and do nothing. At any rate, summer time is usually when
churches and mission organizations take a financial hit since many
people are not home and sending in their usual contributions. Don’t
get me wrong, my wife and I just took a short vacation, so please
don’t think I am saying it is wrong to take some time off to get
refreshed and away from the daily grind, but what I am saying is
that we are hurting financially.
The apostle Paul wrote the church in Philippi to thank them for
their consistent giving to the work of the Lord. (Phil. 4:10-17) I
believe it’s also what he had in mind when he wrote the Galatians
and urged them not grow weary in well doing because they would reap
what they were sowing. (Gal. 6:9) Paul also described Jesus in the
epistle to the Hebrews as the same yesterday, today and forever.
(Heb. 13:8)
is one of those wonderful characteristics of Christ. He’s always
there and available because that is His nature. He is unchangeable.
European American Evangelistic Crusades was founded in 1972 by
Christians who wanted to grow in the full knowledge of Jesus Christ
without compromise to His Word. What has allowed EAEC to be salt and
light for the last 41 years? I’m sure that you can guess the answer
is consistency.
I’m not just referring to our efforts to preach God’s Word but I’m
also talking about the committed friends like you who faithfully
uphold us in prayer and regularly give to the work of the Lord. As a
result of your consistency, many people have experienced salvation,
deliverance and healing. Consistency on your part gives us the
ability to make that happen day in and day out.
The summer months are known to be slower for ministries, so if you
haven't given already, I urge you to pray about how you can help
with a generous financial donation. I deeply appreciate your quick
Time is of the essence and only with consistent friends like you can
we continue in the work we do. You can make an
online donation or by mailing it to EAEC,
P.O. Box 166, Sheridan, CA 95681.
Thank you for being as generous as you possibly can. Your financial
investment in EAEC will help us make an impact around the world.
in Christ,
Pastor John S. Torell

From the Desk
of John S. Torell |