
many years of deliverance ministry and observing first-hand the
of people who have come for
help, I have been able to identify a common denominator that pervades age,
gender, and life experiences in those seeking to be set free from demons. Soul
damage is the one thing these people seeking help have in common and it can
occur moments after conception and any time throughout a person’s life on earth.
This might be a new concept but any type of trauma to a person will damage their
soul and opens the door to sickness in the body. These traumas are a legal way
for demons to enter the body since evil spirits are always associated with fear.
In this article I want to share what the Holy Spirit has revealed to me over the
years concerning soul damage. The church is weak today because it has not
understood weighty spiritual matters and the purpose of this article is to share
how you can have the abundant life Jesus promised.
thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come
that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.”
(John 10:10)
God is triune and so when He created
Adam and Eve, He made them triune just like Himself. The Hebrew word for God in
the creation account is “Elohim,” which means Gods in plural. That is why God
refers to Himself in plurality.
God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness…”
(Genesis 1:26a)
The Godhead consists of God the
Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. Adam and Eve were
with a physical body, a soul and a spirit. (Genesis 2:7)
Jesus came to the garden every
evening and communed with them, speaking to their spirits. God instructed Adam
not to eat from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. When Eve disobeyed and
Adam joined his wife in rebellion, God’s warning came true and they immediately
died spiritually. (Genesis 2:15-17)
The Bible records that Adam’s
physical body lived for 930
years but his spirit died in the Garden of Eden. (Genesis 5:3-5)
Jesus told us that God the Father
wants mankind to worship Him in spirit and in truth. The apostle Paul further
detailed the difference between the soul and spirit of a man. It is impossible
for a soul to directly communicate with God. You must be born again,
which is a process where a dead spirit is made alive
and receives the ability to
communicate with God. (1 Corinthians 2:9-16)
the hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the
Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeketh such to worship him.
God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in
truth.” (John 4:23-24)
The soul originates from the spirit
world and is created by God.
I formed thee in the belly I knew thee…” (Jeremiah 1:5a)
The Bible doesn’t give any
indication when souls are created. The only thing we know for certain is that
the soul of a person is added to the new cell consisting of an egg and a sperm
at the moment of conception. This does not mean that man has lived in a previous
life because there is
no reincarnation. Once a soul has been created, it is eternal and eventually ends
up in Heaven or the Lake of Fire. (Revelation 20:11-15)
The soul encapsulates all
your characteristics such as
intelligence, talent, memory and emotions. Contrary to what some may
believe, your personality is located in the soul, not the
physical brain; however, because of Adam and Eve’s sin, the soul is contaminated
with a sinful nature. Evidence of this can be found in the fact that you don’t
have to teach a child to sin. It comes naturally from within and the sinful
nature becomes more sophisticated and evil with age. This is the reason Jesus
came as the Savior; He came
to save us from our sinful nature and give us a Christ-like
nature that resides in
the born again spirit. (1 John
that committeth sin is of the devil; for the devil sinneth from the
beginning. For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that he might
destroy the works of the devil.”
(1 John 3:8)
There is another thing that happens
at the moment of conception; a dead spirit is inserted into your spiritual
makeup and remains dead until you hear the Gospel and receive Jesus as your Lord
and Savior. The Bible refers to this experience as the second birth or being
born again. (John 3:1-8)
a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom
of God.” (John 3:5b)
When the soul is created by God, it
is not undeveloped like our physical bodies at conception. The soul attached to
the physical body in the womb is created as an adult and has to wait for the
body and brain of the baby to develop into an adult before it can reach its
maximum potential. The physical body is the vehicle for the soul to use on this
earth and the brain is the computer it works
through. With this knowledge, it is therefore easy to recognize
how alcohol and drugs would be detrimental to the soul,
because these harmful substances alter the physical brain and prevent the soul
from properly communicating through the brain.
A soul can only
remain on earth as long as it
resides in a physical
body. When the physical body dies, the soul is freed and taken to heaven or
Soul damage can occur while the
fetus is physically maturing in the mother’s womb. The adult soul hears and
feels the emotions of the mother. If there is a trauma while the mother is
pregnant, it will cause fear and anxiety in the soul of the unborn child and
this in turn will cause
all kinds of damages and havoc in the physical
body as it matures. If the child is conceived out of wedlock
and the parents talk about aborting the baby, it will
greatly traumatize the soul and open the door for Satan to insert a spirit guide
who acts as a gatekeeper or supervisor. If you’re familiar with the concept of a
guardian angel, this spirit guide will try to block the Holy Spirit from guiding
the person and they will instead become a useful
citizen in the kingdom of Satan. An arrested development spirit will hinder
emotional growth and the person will not progress emotionally beyond the
time when the evil spirit
entered. The spirit of fear is
a paralyzing force in that person’s life that hinders them from developing faith
in God.
If the parents have arguments and
violent fights during the pregnancy, the soul of the baby will be damaged. Just
a single incident is enough for demons to attach themselves to that child, which
will cause diseases to develop that can range from retardation to diabetes. Do
you think one fight is worth a lifetime of difficulty and pain for the child?
Think about that for a moment. Yet it happens every day all around the world.
If the parents are having sex
outside marriage, involved in pornography or homosexual acts, these types of
demons will automatically enter the child in the womb. Satan and his demons have
the ability to alter the DNA and genes in the body of the unborn child. Thus,
when a child grows up and begins to manifest homosexual feelings, it is because
the DNA and genes have been altered. Even though there is no “gay gene,” many
homosexuals insist they didn’t choose the homosexual lifestyle,
but were simply born that way. I would agree with
them on that point. They were born with a homosexual disposition but the good
news is that the Holy Spirit can repair all damaged
DNA and genes at the moment of salvation, however,
the evil spirits must be
removed before the person can have a normal life.
Our physical bodies on earth are
solid when they collide
against each other and it is the same in the spirit world. Invisible to the
physical eye, the soul is solid spiritual matter and consists of a
spiritual body and a spiritual
brain. The soul brain comes
pre-programmed by God and has the following programs installed: trust, love,
faith, knowledge of right and wrong and a language learning ability.
A baby that is born to Christian
parents will display these programs but not all homes operate under ideal
conditions. Most children have these programs destroyed or negatively altered
when they are exposed to ungodly television programs and music and the
humanistic brainwashing that takes place in the public schools.

The language program usually lasts
until a child is around eight or nine years old and then it begins to fade and
it becomes harder to learn another language. A child that is reared in a
bilingual family will easily learn both languages.
The soul brain is described
in the Bible as the “eye,”
“heart,” and “mind” and
consists of two compartments: the conscious mind and the subconscious
mind. The conscious mind is like the processor in a computer and the subconscious
mind is like a hard drive.
light of the body is the eye: if therefore thine eye be single, thy
whole body shall be full of light. But if thine eye be evil, thy whole body
shall be full of darkness. If therefore the light that is in thee be
darkness, how great is that darkness!” (Matthew 6:22-23)
generation of vipers, how can ye, being evil, speak good things? for out of
the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh. A good man out of the
good treasure of the heart bringeth forth good things: and an evil man out
of the evil treasure bringeth forth evil things.” (Matthew 12:34-35)
beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your
bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your
reasonable service. And be not conformed to this world: but be ye
transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is
that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.” (Romans 12:1-2)
mind in the soul is wired to the subconscious part of the physical brain, which
controls the automatic functions of the physical body. It controls the heart,
the digestive system, the endocrine system, blood pressure, etc.
This means that when there is damage
to the soul, it is the subconscious
mind (hard drive) that contains them. These damaged areas are points of contact
for demons to enter and most diseases originate from the subconscious soul mind,
which creates negative energy that alters the set functions of the human
endocrine system and the digestive system. The affected person will be unable to
figure out why he is sick in the body and the conscious mind of his soul is
unable to reach into the subconscious mind and discover the problem.
Hypnosis is a satanic method that
people use to get access to the subconscious part of the soul brain. People
involved in mind control use extreme traumas to create splits in the
subconscious part of the soul mind, and each trauma is a point of contact for
demons that will manifest as a split personality. Each demon will have a
different voice and a different personality.
As I have previously stated, demons
will infest the subconscious part of the soul mind and from there they will
control the person’s conscious mind and the physical body. Hate creates so much
negative energy that it eats on the body just like rust does with iron.
Bitterness creates arthritis and each disease in the physical body has a
spiritual root that is the result of a demon sitting in the subconscious mind of
the soul. These different demons will attack the physical body and disrupt its
normal functions, and since the soul must stay in the body, it will be severely
handicapped. A sick body does not function very well.
When a person suffers a stroke, it
destroys part of the physical brain. Since the soul has to work through the
brain, it no longer is able to function normally. Thus,
a person is handicapped and
can no longer function in a normal manner.
The body
grow older and slowly become less
functional but the soul does not age. (2 Corinthians 4:16)
Dementia and Alzheimer’s are damages
to the physical brain and in time these diseases will shut down the soul’s
ability to communicate through the physical body.
Since the physical body is
controlled by chemical secretions and electrical impulses, it is easy for demons
to exploit soul damages to over produce or under produce chemical secretions and
electrical impulses, which in turn causes the physical body to be dysfunctional.
Bible says very little about the spirit of a man. We know that when a human is
conceived, they are born with a dead spirit
because of Adam’s sin. (1 Corinthians 15:21-22)
Therefore, when that person is born again, the dead spirit
is made alive. (John 3:5-6) The spirit’s origin is of the spirit world;
it was created to operate
with the soul mind and control it. When the Holy Spirit speaks to us, He
communicates to our spirit, which works in conjunction with the soul mind and
then to the physical body.
As I sit and write out this
teaching, the Holy Spirit is speaking to my spirit, which tells my soul to
transmit the information to my physical brain, which in turn controls my fingers
and types out the thoughts the Holy Spirit gives me.
It is with our born again spirit
that we read and understand the Bible. It is with the same spirit that we pray
and it is also the same spirit that causes you to yearn for fellowship with God.
My understanding from the Scriptures
is that the spirit does
not have a sin nature. Any sinful action carried out
comes about as a direct result of the
soul. The apostle Paul describes a constant battle that takes place within every
human being. (Romans chapter 7)
that which I do I allow not: for what I would, that do I not; but what I
hate, that do I. If then I do that which I would not, I consent unto the law
that it is good. Now then it is no more I that do it, but sin that dwelleth
in me. For I know that in me (that is, in my flesh,) dwelleth no good
thing…” (Romans 7:15-18a)
Demons do not have the
right to attach themselves to the
spirit; the spirit needs to dominate the sinful soul and subdue it to obedience
to God.
beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your
bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your
reasonable service. And be not conformed to this world: but be ye
transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that
good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.”
(Romans 12:1-2)
This is a difficult concept to
grasp, so let me illustrate it with
computer terminology. The computer I’m using has a dual core
processor, allowing it to multi-task different
projects simultaneously. In like manner,
God has provided us with a “God
chip” to control the sin infected soul mind.
The more you pray, meditate on the
Word of God and stay in a state of continual praise and worship; the stronger
your spirit will be and your spirit will weaken the sinful nature in your soul
mind. (1 Peter 2:1-2; Jude 20)
The physical body is neutral; it is
neither good nor evil. It is essentially an expression of the soul and the
spirit, and if the inner man is good, the physical body will be good as well.
You have only to look around to see what happens when the inner man is evil and
begin to
appreciate the words of Jesus:
light of the body is the eye: if therefore thine eye be single, thy whole
body shall be full of light. But if thine eye be evil, thy whole body shall
be full of darkness. If therefore the light that is in thee be darkness, how
great is that darkness!”
(Matthew 6:22-23)
The physical brain does not possess
any personal character, nor does it store permanent memories
or skills learned on this
earth. All these things are contained in the soul and spirit. Therefore, when
the body dies, it goes to the grave and returns to the dust from which it was
taken, but the soul
and spirit are eternal.
When the
physical body dies, the redeemed soul and born again spirit
continue to heaven with all your memories, education
and skills because they were vested in the soul and spirit. If a man dies
in his sins, the unredeemed soul is taken to hell where
he retains the
memories of life on earth along with
the regret that he rejected the gospel message.
As far as I know, the spiritual and
emotional maturity you attain before death will be what you retain into
eternity. We will not grow spiritually in heaven; all spiritual growth happens
exclusively on earth. When we get to heaven, our knowledge will be increased and
we will know all the things that God has done and what He has in store for us,
but our maturity is solely developed on earth. The apostle Paul gives us a
glimpse of this understanding.
other foundation can no man lay than that is laid, which is Jesus Christ.
Now if any man build upon this foundation gold, silver, precious stones,
wood, hay, stubble; Every man's work shall be made manifest: for the day
shall declare it, because it shall be revealed by fire; and the fire shall
try every man's work of what sort it is. If any man's work abide which he
hath built thereupon, he shall receive a reward.”
(1 Corinthians 3:11-14)
we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ; that every one may
receive the things done in his body, according to that he hath done, whether
it be good or bad.”
(2 Corinthians 5:10)
There is a teaching circulating
among deliverance ministries which states that when a person experiences a
devastating trauma, the soul mind cannot cope with it and part of the soul mind
separates itself from the soul mind and creates a new “mini soul,” also called
an “alter.” The medical community calls it
Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID).
The premise is that the original
soul mind supposedly does not have access to the
split fragment and thus the trauma is hidden and the person has no more
recollection of it. The teaching claims
that if a person has numerous traumas, there will be a split each time and this
is how multiple personalities are created.
This is
school of thought is
propagated by Reverend Bob Larson and it is making
inroads with more and more deliverance ministries. Larson believes that the soul
can be fragmented and controlled by evil spirits due to mind control and satanic
ritual abuse. However, he also believes
there are some cases
where no demons are involved and that it is simply a wounded soul fragment
crying out for help.
I do not
believe there is anything such a soul fragmentation or “alters.”
God created Adam as a triune being
with a physical body, a soul and a spirit. (Hebrews 4:12)
The soul and the spirit do not have
two distinctive personalities. As a Christian, I have a soul that has been given
a spiritual component in the
form of a born again spirit which
makes it possible for me to communicate with God in spirit and in truth. (John
The soul consists of a spiritual
brain and body that is just as tangible as
the physical body but invisible to the human eye. At the
death of a believer in Christ, the soul/spirit is
taken to heaven. The soul is the real person and in
heaven it is not be encumbered by the physical body anymore. This newly
freed soul can walk, talk, see, think and still
retains the memories and skills learned on earth.
(Revelation 6:9-11)
The physical brain in the human body
is like a computer that
the soul uses in order to function
and communicate on earth.
God is omnipotent, omniscient and
omnipresent and He alone
possesses these attributes. Human
beings and angels, whether
holy or unholy, can only be in one place at one time
and do not have the capacity to split into separate parts.
The soul is created with a single
mind and does not have the capacity to split itself into multiple parts. Even if
it were possible, each
part would not have the ability to reason, make decisions and operate as
a separate entity or fragment. The
soul is eternal but it can still suffer damage. This creates
hidden information that is stored in the subconscious mind of the soul brain,
causing severe damage to the soul as well as to
the physical body.
These damages can cause the soul
mind to deviate from normal behavior and result in the person acting
abnormal. The subconscious
mind of the soul can be fractured in that it stores different traumas and closes
those memories off from the conscious part of the soul
brain. Nevertheless, God has built in a protection
system for the soul, so that when a person is exposed
to great trauma, the soul mind will send the memory of that
trauma into the subconscious mind and block it from surfacing. For example,
someone involved in a car accident may
remember events prior to the collision, but the
crash itself will
become blocked and the person will remember nothing.
Some psychiatrists unknowingly use
demonic powers to access the blocked memories through hypnosis, which is
actually a demon with the capability
of entering the subconscious mind
and forcing the memory to resurface. This is a
spiritual violation of the soul, effectively bypassing
the soul mind, and when the person is taken out of the
hypnotic state, they will have no memory whatsoever of what just took
The teaching that the soul brain is
fractured into entities called “alters” through traumas and mind control
is unbiblical. These “alters”
supposedly have their own personality, the power to
reason, make decisions and become independent from the original soul brain.
If true, the split soul would be a conundrum because
God did not create the soul with the ability to split itself into independent
parts, because if a soul could be split endlessly, which “alter”
would Jesus save?
According to Bob Larson, there is a
litmus test that can be
conducted during deliverance on
people with “alters.” Supposedly, all you have to do
is ask the “alter” if they love Jesus. If the “alter” responds affirmatively,
that is sufficient proof it is not a demon, but part
of the soul that has split itself into its own entity. Larson does this
because he wants to identify the soul damage which caused
the “alter” to be created, heal the damage and merge the “alter” back into the
original soul. However, this directly
contradicts the Bible which
states that man has a sinful nature and will not in himself seek God. If the
original soul is sinful, how can the split parts of the soul be good and love
Jesus? (Romans 3:10-20)
“As it is written, There is none
righteous, no, not one: There is none that understandeth, there is none that
seeketh after God.” (Romans 3:10-11)
I am not
questioning the character of
Bob Larson, but his doctrine, since he has
departed from the Bible and created a new doctrine which the apostle Paul
described as the “doctrines
of Devils.” (1 Timothy 4:1)
My deliverance ministry started in
1970 and during these years I have encountered split personalities caused by
traumas, mind control and/or satanic ritual abuse. It is true that traumas
inflicted great damage to the souls of these people and that they manifested
different personalities, but these personalities were not “alters,” they were
demons who attached themselves to the trauma damages and acted like they were
different people living in the same soul.
Over the years we have been
successful in helping people to discover and discuss the traumas in their lives,
and if a person cannot remember, we have seen the Holy Spirit supernaturally
reveal what happened. Removing demons from a person and praying for healing of
the soul has been the key to setting people free. A person only has to look at
the traumatic events in his life, give them to Jesus, forgive the people that
caused the trauma and then ask the Holy Spirit to come and heal their broken
Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he hath anointed me to preach the
gospel to the poor; he hath sent me to heal the brokenhearted, to preach
deliverance to the captives, and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at
liberty them that are bruised, To preach the acceptable year of the Lord.”
(Luke 4:18-19)
Doctor S.I. McMillen’s book, “None
of These Diseases,” was published in 1963 by the Fleming H. Revell Company in
the United States. Dr. McMillen had been a medical missionary in Africa for many
years and treated countless people for different diseases. The Lord had given
him insight along the way that many diseases were caused by emotions which
originated in the soul.
I had just started to learn about
spiritual warfare and the casting out of demons when I began to read this book
in the early 1970’s and did not pay attention to the soul as the culprit for
many diseases in the physical body. My understanding of the soul at that time
was limited and I did not know the soul was the real person while the body was
just a vehicle for the soul to use on earth. In writing this article, the Holy
Spirit brought to remembrance what Dr. McMillen had written in the early 1960’s.
Dr. McMillen listed emotions that
would cause disease in the physical body. The soul can exhibit emotions
and it is possible to experience soul damage that is not driven by demonic
power; however, if a demon amplifies the soul damage, it will create even more
injury to the physical body.
Traumas create soul damages, which in turn generate negative emotions. Soul
damage is immediately spotted by demons, who will move in like germs on an open
wound on the skin and start their destructive work.
The list of negative emotions that
Dr. McMillen compiled is as follows: self-centeredness, envy, jealousy,
resentment, hate, worry, oversensitivity, guilt, fear, sorrow, desire for
approval and frustration.
As the soul is tormented by these
emotions/demons, the following parts of the human body will be attacked:
thyroid, esophagus, lungs, heart, liver, kidneys, gall bladder, stomach,
intestines, and the colon.
These are the diseases that will
develop in the different body organs: ulcers of stomach and intestines, colitis,
high blood pressure, heart trouble, strokes, arteriosclerosis, kidney disease,
headaches, mental disturbances, goiter, diabetes and arthritis.
Not all diseases are caused by soul
damages; they can also be caused by accidents, chemicals
(legal and illegal drugs),
toxins and food that God has instructed
us not to eat.
God created the soul and physical
body to deal with the stress that is part of our daily lives. We are tied to the
clock in order to accomplish the work we have to do on earth. To hold a job, we
have to report for work at a certain time and finished assignments within a
specified time frame. When we’re not at work, there are appointments to keep,
along with eating, resting and recreation. If you are a parent, children will
also keep you busy with their needs.
Normally, Christians should start
each day with the Lord and ask Him for guidance throughout the day so that you
will be productive but not stressed out to the point that it causes illness. Dr.
McMillen stated the following factors will cause undue stress
and damage to the soul, which in turn will make the adrenal
gland to malfunction: overwork and fatigue, fear and hate, exposure to cold,
heat and wind, accident
caused injuries, constantly hurrying and being
under tension.
Overproduction of the adrenal
gland will cause the following diseases: arthritis, mental diseases, vascular
diseases and gastrointestinal diseases.
The average
physical body is made up of 37
trillion cells. Each cell is like a factory taking in oxygen, water and
nutrients which are used to maintain itself
and do the work in the body that it has been created to do.
There are constant chemical reactions in the cell which
are controlled by light and electricity.
Cells communicate
with each other through light and electricity and the physical brain operates
clusters of cells like the kidney, heart,
liver, etc. by releasing chemical substances from the different glands in the
body and through electronic synapses. The nervous
system in the body is an incredible
electrical cable network designed by God.
When the soul is disturbed,
it creates negative feelings, which in turn upsets
the electrical grid of the human body, and glands
will then overproduce or under produce
chemicals. This causes different organs to
malfunction and the effect trickles
down to the cellular
cancerous cell is one that
has been damaged and not operating according to the
DNA code given by God. In a sense, it is rebelling when it begins to form
a cluster of other cancer cells, which in turn grows
into tumors and eventually kills
the body.
A soul that has been wounded will
attack the physical
body God has provided, and if the soul is not healed
and have the demons removed, in time it will kill its host.
A sick soul doesn’t care about the physical
body since it is filled with hate for itself and is
committing spiritual suicide.
A sick soul must be confronted by
the love of God and receive healing through the Holy Spirit. This is
the basic premise of deliverance since healing
cannot be achieved when the soul is wounded and oppressed by demons.
was not to live in a constant state of fight or flight. It is highly
stressful and that is precisely what warfare entails. No man is ever the same
when they are brutalized in basic training and sent into
combat. The fear and stress of being on the frontline
or a combat base that is attacked by artillery, air strikes or mortar
rounds causes
deep soul wounds in the soldiers, medics, doctors and nurses who are in forward
combat zones.
Millions of men, women and children
lived through the American Civil War and a large portion of the population lived
with PTSD for the rest of their lives except for
those who came to Christ and received a soul healing.
The same holds true for the
tens of millions of American
servicemen in World War I and II, the Korean war, the
Vietnam war, and the
wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. The government did not
recognize PTSD after the two world wars and continued to
ignore it during the Vietnam war. Some 55,000 Americans died on the battlefields
in Vietnam, but hundreds of thousands that came home could not cope with what
they had seen and done. Their souls were so damaged that they took their
own lives. The same holds true for veterans from Afghanistan
and Iraq, there are daily suicides among the men and
women who can’t forget the horrible things they have
seen and experienced. Death seems to be the only
relief and Satan is
having a great harvest.
I have talked to several veterans
over the years and they all told
me their war experiences were too painful to talk
about, so they just kept quiet about it and suffered with
the daily pain.
You don’t have to have been in a war
to have PTSD. It can come about as a result
of a car accident, a painful divorce, living through an
earthquake or a hurricane. All these things can
damage your soul and cause PTSD. Unsaved people and
some Christians will turn to alcohol, legal and illegal drugs to drown out the
pain from the wounded soul, but this is not a solution and only makes
the situation worse.
There is only one healer on this
earth and His name is
Jesus Christ. The first two steps to
healing are salvation and
deliverance in the name of Jesus.
will never be healed unless you admit that you have a
soul problem and reach out for help. Are you willing to seek help? Keep reading
and I will show you how to get off the
road of despair and into the joy of
the Lord.
The Lord
has helped me to develop a deliverance method that addresses
soul damages before there is even an attempt to cast
out demons from a person. This is not
an exclusive method but it is one
that works well for our deliverance teams:
Write a short biography of your life.
Describe the kind of life your parents, grandparents and great grandparents
lived. Most people do not know much
about their family
background; nevertheless, attempt to find out as much as possible.
parents were shaped by their parents as well as the environment in which they
lived. What took place in the nation at that time? Were there any wars, famines,
financial depressions, etc.?
Find out as
much as you can about how your parents met, how they dated and whether they
engaged in pre-marital sex. Were you conceived outside of marriage?
details do you know about the time period when your mother was pregnant with
you? Was there any trauma associated with your birth?
Write down
everything you can remember about your childhood. List every trauma up to the
present time. Make a record of all the negative things that happened to you.
2. Share
your biography with a Christian counselor who also has experience with
deliverance. Have that person or a deliverance team member identify the traumas
in your life. As you discuss your biography with a counselor, more memories will
surface; as you pray and seek the Lord concerning this matter, He will reveal
additional things that have been hidden from you. It is common for the Holy
Spirit to supernaturally reveal things that have remained hidden and dormant for
3. Before
breaking the curses associated with the traumas, make sure that you have
forgiven those who hurt you, that you have forgiven yourself, that you ask
forgiveness on behalf of the people whom you hurt and that you do not harbor
bitterness towards God. You also need to address all the biblical curses, curses
by others, curses against yourself, generational curses and ungodly soul ties.
4. Time
should not be a factor when dealing with traumas. Take as much time as is
needed, and if necessary, do more than one session.
deliverance counselor will read the event that led to the trauma. If you are
able to pray by yourself, start by reciting the trauma. If someone needs to be
forgiven, ask God to forgive that person and then forgive them yourself. Then
ask God to remove the trauma from your soul and heal it in the name of Jesus.
There is usually a lot of crying during this portion of the session and this is
healthy because you can finally grieve over the event and be healed.
There will
be no healing if you do not identify the painful event, forgive the people
involved, grieve over it and ask for a healing. Forgiveness and grieving is the
key to soul healing.
5. Ask God
to remove the memory of each trauma so that you won’t think about or remember it
in the future.
6. The
final work is completed when the demons are cast out and sent to prison. At this
point, there is no longer any negative energy flowing through your soul and it
will automatically start to heal. Some healings are instant while others may
take some time, but you will be healed in due season.
The first edition of Christian
Dynamics Course 1 was published in 1973. The book was expanded from its initial
four lessons to twelve lessons in 1975. As that edition was sold out, a reprint
was done in 1978, with more reprints in 1984 and 1985. By 1994 I had begun once
again to revise and enlarge the book because my knowledge in deliverance had
dramatically increased over the years.
The Lord instructed me to present
biblical and historical facts, but also to write precise instructions on how to
actually conduct deliverance step-by-step. The Holy Spirit showed me that I was
limited and could only personally pray for a limited number of people. A
deliverance manual was needed so that a Christian could read it and help himself
or someone else regardless of where they live on earth.
If you need help in dealing with
soul damage, I want to assure you that you can experience deliverance from
demons and receive healing of your soul. The first step comes in securing a copy
of Christian Dynamics Course 1. This is the only ministry cost you will incur as
we do not charge for prayer or for counseling because Jesus said “…freely
you have received, freely give.”
Many people have purchased Course 1
and experienced newfound freedom from demons and healing for their wounded
soul. I want to share a recent correspondence from a young man who had been
struggling with drug addiction and other sins. Here is what he wrote after
reading Christian Dynamics Course 1,
flying to Sacramento for deliverance and returning home:
“Returning home I quickly
realized how much work I had left undone. I have been very busy and will
continue to be for a few weeks. It wasn’t until I got home that I began to
realize how much I have changed over that short trip and how different I now
feel. I am motivated to clear my schedule out and give it all to Christ.
Thank you for lighting the flame in my soul and teaching me on a deeper
level. I have never had that before. It all meant so much to me I am
overjoyed to now know in my heart that Jesus is with me! It is changing my
I encourage you to
order the book. You will learn in a
short time span what took me many years to write, namely, how to be set free
from demonic oppression and painful soul damages. Once you have read Course 1,
you may contact us to guide you through the deliverance process and a new life
in Christ.
I am sharing
table of contents from
Christian Dynamics Course 1
so that you can see what the book addresses and how it can be beneficial to you.
From the Desk
of John S. Torell |