We are rapidly approaching the
time that that Jesus called “The Great Tribulation.” The Antichrist is not just
going to show up one day out the blue but this is a project Satan that has been
working diligently on for thousands of years through an organization of humans
since the day of King Solomon, preparing the way for a coming world ruler. This
presentation shares some of the signs that indicate how close we are to that
There is a new and frightening
trend of sudden arrests by police officers in different states when people with
anti-government beliefs are picked up and
incarcerated in mental institutions
without a trial. Scores of people from radio talk show hosts to
former service
men have been arrested without due process of the law. When asked how this can
be done, an answer might be given that they were picked up for probable cause of
future violence and the prevention of possible mass killings.
Doesn’t this violate the
Constitution of the United States? Yes, but since the Patriot Act was passed by
Congress and signed into law by President Bush in 2001, it is now legal for
anyone in the government to declare a person dangerous to the well-being of the
nation and be arrested and taken to a mental institution for evaluation. The
purpose of this incarceration is not to find out if the person is mentally well
but to treat the person to come out of their delusion of any government
cover-ups and conspiracy theories. Questioning the official version of the 9/11
event is a delusion that must be treated. The same goes for the Oklahoma City
bombing in 1995 or any other disaster with which the government has been
The United States government
does not want any jury trials since the truth would come to light and the dumbed
down public would become aware of what is taking place. Thus mental clinics or
hospitals are used, where a person can be cured from his delusions and released
as a harmless bumbling idiot, who was mentally well going in, but mentally
deranged and unable to carry on an intelligent conversation coming out.
The drugs used on these people
are anti-psychotics, psychoactive, anti-depressants and mood stabilizers. The
most popular drugs used by the psychologists and psycho therapists working in
these institutions are Haldol and Prozac. If a person refuses to take the drug
to cure him of the hallucinations, he is force fed the drug, and once the drugs
are in his system, his will to resist is gone, and the chemical lobotomy can
In this video I will also
discuss the biblical teaching on the Anti-Christ and how Satan is duplicating
this for his own man. Since the Jewish leadership rejected Jesus 2,000 years
ago, their descendants are doing the same thing today, but the man they accept
will be the man Satan sends them.
I have been commissioned as a
pastor to do the following things as we are approach the end times:
Proclaim salvation in the
name of Jesus Christ.
Provide teaching material
for the people coming to Christ.
Offer deliverance for
people who are oppressed by demons.
Become a clearing house
for strong Christians who have rejected the false teaching of today and are
seeking a true Bible based teaching.
Training Christians who
are on fire for Jesus to become equipped to handle demonic forces, pray for
the sick and build local fellowships.
From the Desk
of John S. Torell |