30, 2018
On July 9, 2018 at the
White House, President Donald Trump officially nominated federal judge Brett
Kavanaugh to become the next Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the
United States. Standing beside him was his wife, Ashley, and their two
daughters, Liza and Margaret. The whole family looked happy as they smiled for
the cameras. They were blissfully unaware of the ordeal that lay before them and
how Judge Kavanaugh would walk into a political assassination devised and
carried out by democratic senators Charles Schumer and Dianne Feinstein.
When associate justice
Anthony Kennedy announced his retirement on June 21, 2018, democratic leaders
announced they would vote against whomever President Trump nominated. Contrary
to the idea of tolerance they like to champion so much, that doesn’t sound open
minded. In fact, liberals will readily admit that they just want it their way
and will use whatever means to achieve their goal of opposing anyone nominated
by Trump.
It is interesting to note
that President Trump, unlike Barack Obama, has an excellent relationship with
Israel and recently moved the U.S. embassy to Jerusalem. One would think that
Schumer and Feinstein who are both Jewish would be supportive of Trump’s action,
a move that Jews have been waiting for more than 50 years. The ugly truth is
that the American Jewish leadership favors the Palestinians more than the Jews
in Israel. Senator Bernie Sanders is an American Jew who is a hardcore
socialist, does not support Israel, and regularly defends the Palestinians.
By all accounts Brett
Kavanaugh has had an impeccable record and there was nothing the democrats could
use from his professional career. He worked as a clerk for federal judge Ken
Starr, who served as the prosecutor in the impeachment of President Bill
Clinton. Later he worked for George W. Bush as a White House staff secretary and
was a central figure in its efforts to identify and confirm judicial nominees.
Kavanaugh was nominated to
the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit by President George W. Bush in
2003. His confirmation hearings were contentious and stalled for three years
over charges of partisanship. Kavanaugh was ultimately confirmed to the D.C.
Circuit in May of 2006 after a series of negotiations between Democratic and
Republican senators. An analysis found that Kavanaugh had the most conservative
voting record on the D.C. Court in every policy area from 2003 to 2018.
During my 48 years plus in
the ministry, I have learned that political events must be compared and filtered
through the Bible in order to understand what is transpiring. The Scriptures are
clear that there will be a world ruler known as the Beast, the Antichrist or the
Lawless One in the end times before the second return of Jesus. (Daniel
11:36-39; 2 Thessalonians 2:1-12; Revelation 13:1-18)
The first modern attempt to
solve political problems on an international scale was at a meeting in Vienna,
Austria. It has since become known as the Congress of Vienna, and the meetings
lasted from November of 1814 until June of 1815. The nations that defeated
France during the Napoleonic wars drew up new borders, stripped France of
territory taken from other nations, created peace and stability for years to
come in Europe, but none of the nations involved gave up their independence.
second attempt was the foundation of the League of Nations, an
inter-governmental organization founded on January 10, 1920 as a result of the
Paris Peace Conference and the end of the First World War. It was the first
international organization tasked with maintaining world peace. The primary
goals as stated in its by-laws included preventing wars through collective
security and disarmament, and settling international disputes through
negotiation and arbitration. Other issues included labor conditions, just
treatment of native inhabitants, human and drug trafficking, the arms trade,
global health, prisoners of war, and protection of minorities in Europe. At its
greatest extent from September 28, 1934 until February 23, 1935, the League of
Nations had 58 member nations but the United States was not among them.
The third attempt was made
with the founding of the United Nations (UN). The UN Charter was drafted at a
conference between April–June 1945 in San Francisco and signed into being on
June 26, 1945 at the conclusion of the conference. This charter took effect on
October 24, 1945 and the UN began its intended role.
The UN’s mission to
preserve world peace was complicated in its early decades by the Cold War
between the United States and Soviet Union and their respective allies. The
organization approved the creation of the Israeli state in 1947, as well as
participating in major actions in Korea and the Congo. Membership grew
significantly following widespread decolonization in the 1960’s, and by the
1970’s its budget for economic and social development programs exceeded its
spending on peacekeeping. After the end of the Cold War, the UN took on major
military and peacekeeping missions around the world with varying degrees of
success. There are 193 member states today.
The sticky point in all
three attempts has been that no nation is willing to yield its sovereignty.
Thus, the General Secretary of the United Nations cannot dictate policy to any
member state.
Satan does not want a world
organization, but a world federation, where each nation has relinquished its
sovereignty and become integrated into a world federation with a world
In the United States, the
founding fathers set up the federal government with three branches in order to
safeguard the republic. The Constitution provides a separation of powers through
the executive, legislative and judicial branches of government. The legislative
branch consisting of the House of Representatives and the Senate makes law. The
executive branch consisting of the President, his cabinet, and federal agencies,
carries out the laws enacted by Congress. The judicial branch consisting of the
Supreme Court and the lowers courts interprets the laws passed by Congress. All
three branches of government are equal so that one does not become tyrannical to
the detriment of the other two.
The president is elected
indirectly through the Electoral College to a four-year term, representatives
serve two-year terms, and senators serve six-year terms. Federal judges have
different terms in office but a Supreme Court justice serves a term for life.
The people promoting the
global agenda control the Democratic Party and a portion of the Republican
Party. Since political leaders are elected it is easy for the globalists to sway
the public to vote for globalist candidates. But it is much more difficult to
get globalists appointed to the Supreme Court. There are currently four such
justices in the Supreme Court now along with four conservative justices. The
addition of Brett Kavanaugh as an associate justice will swing the court to the
right. Ruth Bader Ginsburg is an associate justice that was appointed by
President Clinton in 1993. She is a radical leftist of Jewish descent and the
oldest at 85 years old. If Ginsburg dies or resigns due to health reasons while
President Trump is still in office, the court will swing even further to the
right. If this happens the Supreme Court will be conservative for the next 15 to
20 years, and in order for the globalists to form their world federation, they
must control the judicial branch.
Hillary Clinton was a
globalist and a team member of the world government. Donald Trump is a
nationalist that puts American interests first. Satan and the globalists are
furious since they thought it was impossible for the American people to elect
such a man as Donald Trump. Barack Obama repeatedly stated during the 2016
election that the American people knew better than vote for Trump. Nevertheless,
the people did not act as the globalists wished and this is the reason the
democrats have been told to resist, demonstrate against, and sabotage the Trump
A conservative Supreme
Court will never agree to abolish the Constitution and that is what the current
fight is all about.
Since Brett Kavanaugh
cannot be attacked on his academic background or his years serving in the
federal government, smearing him with lies was the only thing left for the
democratic globalists. Working hand-in-hand with the mainstream media,
democratic operators began to beat the bushes and search for women who would be
willing to lie and swear under oath that he was a sexual predator. Prostitution
is an old profession – some would even say the oldest – where a woman will
voluntarily indulge and satisfy a man’s sexual needs in return for money. There
are plenty of sleazy women who are willing to sell themselves for money and
fame, and while two such women were found, they needed a more credible woman to
finish the character lynching, and the globalists found the perfect candidate in
Dr. Christine Blasey-Ford.
Christine Blasey was born
in 1966. She is a professor of psychology at Palo Alto University and a research
psychologist at the Stanford University School of Medicine. Dr. Blasey-Ford
specializes in designing statistical models for research projects. She has also
worked as a professor at the Stanford University School of Medicine
Collaborative Clinical Psychology Program during her academic career.
What the Democrats and
mainstream media fail to mention is she also participate in the recruitment
program for the CIA. Part of her duties is teaching a “CIA Undergraduate
Internship Program.”
in foreign affairs? Looking for a career where you can make a
difference? We invite you to participate in our Undergraduate
Internship Program. This unique program is designed to give
promising undergraduate students, particularly minorities and
people with disabilities, the opportunity to gain practical work
experience that complements their academic studies.
You will be
given the opportunity to work with highly-skilled professionals
and see first-hand the role the CIA plays in supporting US
officials who make our country’s foreign policy. We are
interested in students majoring in engineering, computer
science, mathematics, economics, physical sciences, foreign
languages, area studies, business administration, accounting,
international relations, finance, logistics, human resources,
geography, national security studies, military and foreign
affairs, political science and graphic design.
Interns are
required to work either a combination of one semester and one
summer internship, or two 90-day summer internships.
opportunities are highly competitive. You are expected to meet
the same employment standards as permanent employees. Applicants
must be US citizens and should have a strong academic record
(3.0 GPA or better). Foreign language skills, previous
international residency and military experience are pluses.
Outstanding interpersonal skills, the ability to write clearly
and accurately, and a strong interest in foreign affairs are
necessary. As part of the hiring process, you must successfully
complete medical and polygraph examinations as well as a
background investigation.
positions offer salaries competitive with the private sector and
the same benefits as permanent employees. Students in
agency-sponsored programs are also eligible to apply for a
one-time tuition assistance award for the last year of study if
a job offer has been extended and a minimum GPA is maintained.
All student
assignments are located in the Washington, D.C. area. The CIA
cannot provide students with housing, however, services are
provided that will assist you in identifying affordable,
temporary and convenient accommodations.
are eligible for the range of employee benefits including health
and life insurance, retirement investment options, paid Federal
holidays, annual and sick leave, and possible tuition
assistance. The CIA will pay the cost of transportation between
school and the Washington, D.C. metropolitan area.
encourage you to discuss CIA opportunities with your on-campus
career advisor or internship/co-op program coordinator and to
check your school’s schedule for recruiting events. To apply for
participation in a student program, you must be at least a
college sophomore.
Applications for Summer 2009 employment will be accepted until
November 1, 2008. Applications for winter, spring, and fall
employment should be sent six to nine months before the desired
start date. Applications for the NCS Undergraduate Internship
Program for Summer 2009 will be accepted through June 30, 2008
only. To apply online for a specific student position, please
visit Analytical, Clandestine Service, Science, Engineering &
Technology, or Support Services pages.
To be
considered suitable for Agency employment, applicants must
generally not have used illegal drugs within the last 12 months.
The issue of illegal drug use prior to 12 months ago is
carefully evaluated during the medical and security processing. |
Dr. Blasey-Ford has
been married to Russell Ford since 2002. They met at Stanford University and
have two children. Russell Ford is the “Senior Director” at Zosano Pharma,
which exclusively specializes in “mind altering” drugs. The CIA uses such
drugs in their clandestine operations and also for mind control projects and
ties her husband in with the CIA.
Russell Ford recently
deleted his Facebook account and removed his name from Zosano Pharma’s
website. He deals with mind altering drugs and Christine is a CIA internship
recruiter at Stanford for the MK-Ultra mind control project. They are
heavily involved in the intelligence community and this has influenced their
Christine’s father,
Ralph G. Blasey Jr. was employed by the CIA as an agent in the 1960s and has
since retired. His specialty was to work on projects paid with “black budget
money.” As an agent, he worked closely with former CIA director John
Brennan, former FBI directors Robert Mueller and James Comey. He has also
worked with Susan Rice, Barack Obama’s U.N. ambassador, who covered up the
administration blunders in Benghazi, Libya and other places.
Ralph Blasey Jr. is
currently working for a security corporation whose Admiral Security Services
provides armed security for “Deep State” elites in Washington D.C., overseen
by Red Coats, Inc.
Christine Blasey-Ford
has a brother named Ralph Blasey III, who works for a company that is linked
to the corporation Fusion GPS. This is a private intelligence service for
hire that the Democratic Party and Hillary Clinton used during the 2016
election. Fusion GPS utilized the services of former MI-6 spy Christopher
Steele to produce a dossier that would accuse Donald Trump of having
collaborated with the Russians to defeat Hillary Clinton. Steele had been
the director of the Russian Desk for the British Intelligence Service MI-6.
The resulting dossier
contains allegations of misconduct and conspiracy between Donald Trump’s
presidential campaign and the government of Russia during the 2016 election,
with campaign members and Russian operatives allegedly colluding to
interfere in the election to benefit Trump. It also alleged that Russia
sought to damage Hillary Clinton’s candidacy, including sharing negative
information about Clinton with the Trump campaign.
Is it a coincidence or
a fluke that Christine Blasey-Ford is on the payroll of the CIA, her father
is a retired CIA agent that is currently in charge of a private security
company that offers private security for important persons in Washington
D.C. and a brother that works for a company linked with Fusion GPS? I am
more likely to believe in the legend of Bigfoot than to believe this is
sheer luck.
I recorded a video
about these topics on September 30, 2018 and wrote this article a few days
later. The FBI has concluded their most recent investigation and found a
number of mistakes in the accusations against Brett Kavanaugh. The Democrats
aren’t interested in finding the truth. They just want to destroy a good man
and think he should withdraw his nomination even if the FBI finds the
charges to have no merit.
The senate confirmation
of Brett Kavanaugh is not about truth since it threatens the agenda of the
globalists. If nothing else, this baseless attack on a good man should rally
every decent American to go out and vote in November and make sure the
Democratic candidates lose. Keep the Trump revolution going! The choice is
yours: freedom or slavery!

From the Desk
of John S. Torell |